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putting lotion on before lather?

OK, I've got a question.

It was sort of by accident that I tried putting on Vaseline with Cocoa Butter after a micro layer of water to dampen my face first.

Then I take a small amount of the product, which is like a paste as it exits the tube, so that is why it needs just a touch of water to thin it out.

So, after I apply a thin amount of this glorious stuff over my face and neck, I then proceeded to apply Arko (more glorious stuff,) lathered up and shaved.

So, what do you think of my procedure?

I was taught to put a layer of Lucky Tiger vanishing cream on before the lather, so unless the extra greasiness of the vaseline is a problem that keeps the lather from softening the beard, I would say your approach is very sound.
What I probably really do, when I am taking my time and doing it right, is spreading on the Lucky Tiger or say Corn Husker's lotion or whatever, lathering over it, then applying a hot towel. Then kind of wiping down after the towel and usually applying just the lather, but it would probably be better to reapply the moisterizer, too.
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