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Hi everyone, I live in Hawaii and alot of the stores here that Im familiar with dont sell alot of the products I use. I'm forced to order most of my products online, which isn't bad because they arrive within a few days. Does anyone know of a store here that sells good creams and razors or just anything in general? The closest thing I found was Personna blades at WalMart.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I gotta think you would have a Bath and Body works around, in which case you can buy the C.O. Bigelow shave cream tube, which is rebranded Proraso.

If there are members from Hawaii on here, they are likely to chime in soon.
C&E has a shop on the first floor of the Ala Moana Shopping Center. They have some shaving creams and soaps, plus colognes. When my wife and I were there in June I believe that had some brushes. Close by them is The Body Shop, which I think has at least one cream - Maca or something like that which I have never tried. You have a Whole Foods somewhere on Oahu, and they have some "organic" brands of creams (at least they do here in Omaha). Don't know what the department stores have in the way of shaving stuff.
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I've found that quite a few stores that claim to have shaving products, have a very limited supply, and I don't find them to be anything special. This could just be the area where I live, but I just use the internet. Then I can get just what I want with only a few days wait time. There is a much better selection on the internet. :tongue: :wink: :001_rolle :biggrin:
Thanks guys, ordering online has never failed me I just wanted to find a local place I could check out. I'll try the shop in Ala Moana, and no we don't have Bath & Bodyworks yet hopefully soon though because Proraso is one of my fav creams. I'll keep searching, thanks again.
It's not easy finding much retail. I live in Australia and thought I'd get bargains and selection galore when I went to LA recently. But there's nothing - apart from an overpriced AOS store.

If big cities like LA can't provide much, then online is where it's at.
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