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Products/methods for reducing the appearanceacne scars/blemishes - any ideas?

Hi guys,

I've posted on other parts of the forum and you do seem like a very helpful bunch so I thought I'd ask if any of you guys had any ideas on how to reduce the appearance of acne scars and blemishes.

I realise that pitted skin may be a difficult to hide but how about those blemishes that seem to hang around a long time after the spot has gone?

I have pretty blemished skin after years of acne so something that could work over a larger area. Any concealers or topical solutions to recommend?

If anyone wants to share any personal experience of what worked for them then all the better.

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There's a new(er) anti-aging method called Derma-Rolling, the process is sound but I haven't tried it. Supposedly it uses the same process as Fraxel laser treatments but with needles instead. This might reduce your acne scars. Also, because Retin-A generally takes the top layer of skin off it might be worthwhile in helping to reduce the appearance of your scars.

As for the blemishes.. any generic concealer would do, heck I would even try a Wal-Mart brand.
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What about cocoa butter? Maybe Palmers Tummy butter for stretch marks? Has cocoa butter, Vitamin E, And some other stuff to help reduce stretch marks.
Prescription retinoids are your best bet. They are Retin-A, Tazorac and Differin, as well as several others. You'd have to see a dermatologist, though. The second best option would be beta or alpha hydroxy acids. They will fade the red marks and build collagen, which will help some with the scars.

I would second the recommendation to see a dermatologist. Just make sure it's a highly rated one.
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