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Part for Fatboy ?

Anyone know where I could buy the blade tray rod & end cap ?

The Fatboy that I recently acquired wouldn't' do that last quarter turn lock & I seemed to have twisted it a little to hard making it break @ the rivet section of the blade tray.

On a side note ...... What would keep it from getting that last quarter turn lock ?
There is probably gunk inside the dial. Liquid wrench and wiggles, Wiggles, WIGGLES ! That should resolve the problem.

You can also try to soak in in warm water / Dawn for a couples of days.

Note: The liquid wrench may eat the black paint on the numbers.
Its unlikely you'll be able to find these FB parts by themselves. Just buy a whole FB and keep your existing one for spare parts.
Anyone know where I could buy the blade tray rod & end cap ?

The Fatboy that I recently acquired wouldn't' do that last quarter turn lock & I seemed to have twisted it a little to hard making it break @ the rivet section of the blade tray.

On a side note ...... What would keep it from getting that last quarter turn lock ?

The "quarter turn lock" that we look for on Gillette Adjustables is a spring (located at the bottom of the handle, not at the dial) compressing. In order to properly tighten the razor, the length of the center rod needs to change based on the adjustment setting. This spring becomes part of the center rod length, and once the doors are properly tightened against the blade the spring compresses to hold tension against the assembly. The actual amount of compression will vary based on the razor's setting. Set at 1, it takes less than a quarter turn to compress the spring. Set at 9, it takes more than one quarter turn. At 5, it is almost exactly a quarter turn.

Repair parts are made of that rare material, unobtanium. It will take finding a lesser-grade razor to donate parts, or use yours for parts to upgrade another razor. In the future, soaking the gunk out of the spring is the best way to fix this problem.
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That rod and inner head section/door hanger is the only part of a Fatboy that I don't have in my various stocks (unfortunately it's common for that bar to snap). I have a few 'dead' Fatboys because of this.

If it helps, I'm happy to take the broken Fatboy off your hands for a price, then at least you'll have something to put towards a 'new' Fatboy.

I can always use it for silo doors, handle and adjuster parts etc when restoring.

I'm in UK so the postage may be prohibitive for you though.

PM me if you are interested in offloading your broken Fatboy.

Best wishes


Anyone know where I could buy the blade tray rod & end cap ?

The Fatboy that I recently acquired wouldn't' do that last quarter turn lock & I seemed to have twisted it a little to hard making it break @ the rivet section of the blade tray.

On a side note ...... What would keep it from getting that last quarter turn lock ?
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