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Out of control bidding on the Bay

Seems that someone feels that 12 pk Personna 74 Tungsten Plus Double Edge Razor Blades are worth at this point $122.50 plus shipping. Now there are 120 blades available in this auction but this is nuts. I have tried these blades and although they are good they are not worth a dollar a blade. Things are really getting out of line. Search for Personna 74 on ebay and you'll see how high this will go.Crazy.
Someone else posted about a 10 dollar puck of Williams. Yes the bay can get crazy, just don't fall into it.
I've heard those blades are pretty good and they last for more than a few shaves. Might be worth it on a per shave basis.
Nearly six days to go and they're at "Swede" prices already. at this rate they could reach Mach3 prices, or more. Interesting to watch, if not bid on.

A previous lot of these, 60 (12 5-packs, from the same seller) went from $31.00 to $84.00 in the last minute of bidding. The current auction keeps the bidders private, perhaps because of the previous shenanigans.

A lot of 30 before these, was grabbed in the last 4 seconds by the same bidder that got the 12 5-packs.

The guy must have a real jones for these things, and I'm not sure he's ever tried one.
It's funny how those blades have developed a renewed reputation that was only a cult phenomenon when they were sold.

From my research, it is clear that Consumer Reports rated them both better and longer-lasting than "the Spoiler," a blade that seems to go for between 40 cents and 85 cents a blade lately..... The titanium (rather than platinum) coating seems to be the extra touch in the 74......ASR never put the Titanium on a store brand, and removed it as soon as they dropped the 74 moniker (they kept at least some of the Tungsten for a while according to the backs of the packaging).....In the tobacco lawsuit documents (ASR was owned by Phillip Morris back then), I saw a research study showing that the 74 was most preferred by men.

I got some of the ASR private labels from the same time and they were almost as good, but not as long lasting.....What confuses people about ASR is that, when Phillip Morris did not get the profits and market share they wanted, and a sale to a competitor (Bic?) fell through in the mid to late 70's, it was sold in a leveraged buyout to the management. This seems to have led to a slow degradation in quality and a lack of marketing as they strained to pay back debt. ASR in the US has recovered some, but I remember that, in the mid to late 80's, Personna was not a very visible brand, and the store brand blades they made were not that great......

I think that the Personna 74 is difficult to find in quantity (much like the Gillette Platinum Plus NOS) and people that really want to stock up are buying it. There recently was a giant lot of about 500 of these blades (in cut packaging where you could not tell what they were unless you knew them by sight) mixed with some others and without any notice of the Personna 74 mark in the auction...Still, they went for about 70 cents per blade.........
I picked up two packs of these blades on the bay not too long ago. They really are excellent blades. Most blades last 3 shaves for me (4 max), but so far on my first Personna 74 I have 9 shaves. Now are they worth way more then 3 times what I paid for me normal blades, probably not, but if they go back to being priced somewhat sanely on eBay, you bet I'll be buying them.
I dropped out of the bidding at 60 bucks and was going to try to snipe near the end of the auction but at this point at $135.00 I don't feel its worth more than a dollar for a blade , they are excellent blades and used them when they first came out. I have some that I found in back of a drawer but these prices are too rich for me. My limit was .75 a blade but the bidding blew right through my top price. I get 6-8 good shaves with Wilkinsons and stropping.
Someone else posted about a 10 dollar puck of Williams. Yes the bay can get crazy, just don't fall into it.

That's beyond crazy, paying that is just stupid. The buyer deserves to be ripped off if they bid more than $2 for Williams...and that's only if they can't find it locally!
That is the beauty of America and our capitalist system: something is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay.:cool:
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