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Ordered my first strop.

That's a good choice. I've had an Illinois Horse Hide for years and has done well as a travel strop. The price point is nice so you won't feel as bad cutting into it as you would with a more expensive one. Have fun!
Missed the bottom of you question.

I would start off with about 50 linen/50 leather. As time goes on, you may not even count and just learn by feel with your edge is keen. I know I normally do 75-100 on leather because you get in a trance and just lose count.:001_smile
Sounds good, is that fifty, out and back is one?

I know this sounds stupid, but Im still new to this straight thing = ).
Yes, down and up would be one. Never fear of asking questions, there are plenty of folks who are more than willing to give you as much advise as you need.

50 is just a round number. You may notice 20 linen and 50 leather do the trick or you may need 100 leather. The way I learned was stropping with a butter knife a few days and then moved to laying the strop on a flat surface. It doesn't take long to get your arm and wrist trained.
That sounds like it will take a long time lol. Just curious, whats the average 50/50 strop time? Five-ten minutes?
That sounds like it will take a long time lol. Just curious, whats the average 50/50 strop time? Five-ten minutes?

No, not at all. Maybe a minute or two beginning. That's why when I got the motion down after practicing with a butter knife I was a whiz when it came to the real thing. It's just practice and muscle memory. Just take it slow and steady or your one strop will turn into two:lol:

If you feel like time is going to be an issue, strop the evening before and you'll be set for your morning shave.
I always shave right at night after the shower, but before bed. The wife likes it better lol.
I have this strop and really like it. When I first started using it I didn't think it was very good, but now that I have pasted the linen with Dovo White and the leather has softened up a bit through use, it's great.

I do about 30 linen/60 leather. You will be surprised how little time this takes.
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