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Oneblade vs Supply

Hello! Coming from cartridge (Gillette pro glide). Want to get into wet shaving. Like to have a very close/smooth shave everyday. Down to either getting the Oneblade Genesis or the Supply Pro. I don’t mind the proprietary nature of the blades if the Oneblade is ultimately a better and closer shave. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I would go with the Supply. Three choices in blades for one thing. I don't have a Oneblade, but I use the Feather FHS10 blades in my AutoStrop razors and they ain't that great for me. I believe there is a hack to use de-spined Gem blades in the Oneblade razor though. I am also not a fan of pivoting heads.
OneBlade's proprietary blades are absolutely awful. I could only get one shave with them. At that cost, it is more expensive than cartridges.

If you haven't wet shaved before and want to try a Supply, I'd suggest the SE. It is more forgiving to start and you can use Supply's 100 day refund policy if it ends up not working for you. Or you could try a vintage, Schick. If you go that route, I'd suggest an L type, which is milder than the earlier models.
If somebody was asking me what type of DE or SE razor to buy to replace a cartridge system neither the Supply nor Core would make my list of recommendations. The blades for the Core are poor and too expensive, while I find the Supply clunky, fussy and somehow not that nimble. The old Schicks were a far better design imo.
At or near the top of my list for a new razor would be a Razorock Hawk, which takes AC blades of several types and just gives a better shave than the Core or Supply, I've found. If the Hawk proves a hit, there are more expensive and perhaps slightly better AC razors around.
If somebody was asking me what type of DE or SE razor to buy to replace a cartridge system neither the Supply nor Core would make my list of recommendations. The blades for the Core are poor and too expensive, while I find the Supply clunky, fussy and somehow not that nimble. The old Schicks were a far better design imo.
At or near the top of my list for a new razor would be a Razorock Hawk, which takes AC blades of several types and just gives a better shave than the Core or Supply, I've found. If the Hawk proves a hit, there are more expensive and perhaps slightly better AC razors around.
Will the razorock Hawk give me a very close shave? In the past I tried the king Gillette DE and couldn’t get a close shave. Cartridge was way closer. Also you mention the Core. Are you referring to the OneBlade Genesis?
Will the razorock Hawk give me a very close shave? In the past I tried the king Gillette DE and couldn’t get a close shave. Cartridge was way closer. Also you mention the Core. Are you referring to the OneBlade Genesis?
The Hawk V1 (aluminium, cheap) and V3 (stainless, not so cheap) I have both give excellent shaves. I would be hard pushed to name any other razor I've used which is clearly superor, although there are a few I like a fraction more, mostly for aesthetic and tactile reasons.
Now you ask, I'm not sure which OneBlade razor I used. It was loaned to me by a friend and I gave it a good try before deciding it wasn't for me. However, I believe all models use the same blade and I just didn't like it. I don't see how a razor, no matter how well designed and manufactured it is, can give a great shave if it has a poor blade in it.
Will the razorock Hawk give me a very close shave? In the past I tried the king Gillette DE and couldn’t get a close shave. Cartridge was way closer. Also you mention the Core. Are you referring to the OneBlade Genesis?
I haven’t used either Supply or OneBlade but would like to try them sometime. That said I have used about 30-40 DE razors and a few GEMs and one Schick Injector. So I’ll give my input.

I was a Schick Hydro 5 cartridge lover until a few years ago when they changed the blades. All other cartridge systems gave me irritation but the Schick and sadly they changed the blades so after some research I decided to give DE a go.

For DE razors there is a huge variance in shaving performance/styles. The King Gillette razor is one of the worst performing razors I used. It felt smooth but left way too much stubble behind. If you want a DE that shaves about as close as a cartridge you’ll want to bump up the efficiency of the razor a bit and try something like a RazoRock GameChanger .76p or even .84p. Even the .68p plate is a step up from King C. Another great razor to get if you don’t mind waiting a couple weeks for it to get here from China is the DSCosmetics AX-SE that comes with 3 baseplates for around $18-20. It’s an amazing shaver and almost everyone loves it since it’s a clone of a high dollar Wolfman.

The King C is based off the R89/DE89 head but is even more mild. A regular R89 may work for you but is still fairly mild. Yaqi makes a 89 head they sell for about $7 that’s a little more aggressive and works very well. Maggards and RazoRock also have their own versions.

Now onto single edge. My advise is to go Schick Injector. It’s about the closest feeling to a cartridge I’ve found. I’ve only used the adjustable model M. I think the adjustable is the best way to start since you can adjust the knob for your level of aggression to get a closer shave. They sell for around $20-30 on eBay everyday. There is also about 5 injector blade options and all the ones I’ve tried have been great so far.

The GEMs are another great way to go but your stuck with a GEM blade and there’s only one blade available. I think the vintage Gems are great but my vote goes for Schick Injector.

Your not out much to try the Schick M adjustable for $20-30. And if you want to try DE again go with something like the Game Changer .76p or .84p or the cheaper AX-SE and remember to use no added pressure when shaving.
Also the AC format may be a good way to go with the Hawk but I haven’t used one yet so can’t recommend until I test it out. I just got one with both baseplates so I’ll let you know.

But the other AC razor everyone is recommending for cheap is the Yaqi Romulus and it reminds me a lot of the King C DE razor. It’s super smooth but leaves way too much stubble behind. I haven’t tried it with a Feather Pro Super blade yet so I’m hoping that changes things. I have a feeling the Hawks are gonna be a lot better for me.
I have a standard sized head, so the AC razors are too wide for me. :lol::lol:
I only have a couple shaves with the AC format but it is a little odd shaving with a blade that wide. I think I’ll get used to it fairly quickly but I like the idea of using Injector blades if more razor companies made heads for them.
Have both. i can say I get one pretty good shave out of the oneblade and a dozen or more out of the supply. I have to agree my old Schick is far sup to either.
I hate to be "that guy" that doesn't even mention the OP's choices, but those choices are so far and away from entry into the wetshaving world that they don't deserve mention. Good grief, steer clear of both of 'em. Maybe get the Supply later on, I have one, but I wouldn't recommend it for someone just coming over from the cart (disposable) world. Switching from modern carts to the wetshaving hobby, there's tons of choices. Look at Henson. Leaf. High Proof. Edwin Jagger. Parker. Merkur. There's more "entry level" wetshaving tools out there than there is "luxury" level (high priced) razors. If you buy the wrong entry level razor you're likely to abandon the hobby. Get something that works. You can score a vintage Gillette Tech on eBay for a fifteen bucks. There's really no way you can go wrong with a Tech. You can go to your local drugstore and get the King Camp Gillette safety razor (which comes with a tuck of blades). That razor is an awesome shaver. The cap and baseplate is either made by, or an exact clone of the Edwin Jagger DE89. And last I knew is was thirty bucks.
I don't know much about the OneBlade; from what I have read, it works well, but the proprietary blades are very short-lived. On their web site, they sell a 90 pack of the blades for $69.60 US ($0.77 each). Some members here have said they can use the blades a maximum of twice, so that's about $0.39 per shave. (That's more expensive than some cartridges. In my testing, I can use Defender cartridges about 9 times, for a per-shave price of about $0.22. Shaving with the OneBlade is almost double that, per-shave, if I can use each blade twice. Some have even said the OneBlade blades are only good for one shave each, so the per-shave price is even higher.) The OneBlade is a non-starter for me because the per-shave price is too expensive when there are so many good alternatives.

The Supply Pro, on the other hand, uses non-proprietary injector blades. Injectors have been around since the 1920s, I believe. Like DE razors, injectors have been a tried-and-true way to shave for quite a while now, so I don't agree with the previous post that an injector razor is so "far away from entry" that it "can't be mentioned." Injectors are not as popular as DEs, to be sure, but I think they definitely deserve mentioning for those looking to get away from cartridges. In fact, many prefer injectors to DEs. As far as per-shave prices, injector blades are more expensive than DE blades, but also last longer, such that the per-shave price is only slightly higher than (or even comparable to) DE blades, depending on how many shaves they last.

TLDR: I would consider an injector ahead of the OneBlade. I like the Supply Pro adjustable, but they also have a less expensive non-adjustable (the Supply SE, which I haven't tried). There are also plenty of vintage Schick injector razors floating about. I have a vintage Schick adjustable and it's excellent.
Well, just out of curiosity I went to Amazon and they have for $45 the OneBlade Core. I realize that the OP is looking at the Genesis, but my guess would be that if you hate the Core you won’t love the Genesis, and if you like the Core you will probably at least like the Genesis. (Disclaimer: I don’t have a Genesis, just Core and Hybrid, so my opinions should perhaps be discounted.) It’s a $45 experiment, and if you are like most here you will learn that 2 shaves is pretty much the max with the Feather blades. If you find it’s good to great, and, as you say, aren’t put off by the cost per shave, then spring for the Genesis if you want a top-of-the-line experience. Or, spring for the Genesis from the get-go and keep an eye on the 60 day window for returns. OneBlade customer service is pretty good and easy to deal with on returns in my experience.

As to the Supply, I only have the SE. I like it a lot but only with esoteric blades; Chick, and Schick Injector II (from Japan). (Again, in fairness, I haven’t tried the Supply Black blades). So you could order either the Pro or the SE, and order at least one injector of the Chick blades (Amazon: Schick Plus Injector Blades - 7 ct, about $9 at the moment). And also order the Personna/Pella/Taconic (also known as Supply White Label Blades) injectors; I like the Chick and Schick II better, but there are plenty here that feel the other way. In fact, if you order the razor from Supply, it comes with the Black, and a pack of the White Label Blades is just an additional $6.

So, bottom line, they are both good choices for an SE experience coming from cartridge shaving. In particular the stiffer blade. Apart from the Genesis, they are both less-than-$100 experiments, so it kind of depends on how you feel about that kind of $. I honestly think that both these razors are designed to some extent as transition razors for cartridge shavers, and would be a much easier transition than going straight to an injector or Gem-type razor. Whichever one you take, eventually your curiosity will probably get the better of you and you’ll try the other as well, but such is life.

I apologize that I'm kind of late on this, but perhaps my thoughts will help someone else.
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