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Okay, I think I'm ready to try straights...?

I've seen tons of information regarding taking the jump from DE to Straights. I'm a devoted DE user who would just like to dip my toe into the water, perhaps take an occasional swim. I've seen videos on the how-to, but is anyone aware of a there a primer straight razor shaving?
Will do gents, checking the BST for a decent starter straight as we speak. I'm open to suggestions from all...
good tip from ouch, sounds like you are starting with the correct attitude, gathering info first is very prudent, and welcome to straights. I hope you get as much enjoyment as i do and please keep us posted.

Follow this and click on the link to the guide which is a PDF download.


I found it useful and I can't speak too highly of the service I've received from The Invisible Edge.

Hope you enjoy using straights if you give it a go. At first your shaves won't be up to your DE standard but they do get there and it's a great feeling!

If looking for a good starter, it must be shave ready! A fine place for shave ready, reasonably prices straights is www.whippeddog.com. Larry, the shop's proprioter is a regular B&B member, and great to deal with! A BST shave ready straight would be perfect as well!
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