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OK..Stand strong...don't go fanboy!!!


Ok...must be...strong!!! Knees...:blushing:....are...:c2:getting weak...be cool...:c13::c7::c8::c18::c18::c18::c18::em2200::em2200::em2200:...Just tried Speick....Must not turn into a Speick.....loving...

The smell is too....

Help...I'm being consumed by Speick Fever!!!!!
Strange post? Granted! I can't help it. My shaving experience is now forever altered existing in a Before Speick and After Speick timeline. Thank you Badger and Blade community. Without people out there infecting me with these various acquisition disorders, I would never have been introduced to Speick. My precious...
Don't fight it.

One of the great pleasures of the wet shaving game is the discovery of fantastic new products. The scales fall from our eyes, and we wonder, "Why, why didn't somebody tell me about this before?"

After laboring in the dark mines of mediocrity, dragging mulitbladed Uberrazors across faces covered in drab canned foam or slathered in goopy aerosol gels, the blinding light of good gear and products should dazzle and delight you.

Revel in each new discovery. Don't be afraid to dive deep in that pool of performance, fragrance, and luxury. Enjoy it to the hilt.

Fanboy? Nonsense! Embrace the joie de vivre and leave the reserve to those too busy making sure the upper lip stays stiff to let a little enthusiasm brighten the gloom.
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