Alex - where the heck do you find this stuff?!
I get it on Wiats or online with permission of the pics owners.Alex - where the heck do you find this stuff?!
I'm going to guess "The Terminator."
Nope, i am not addicted to Arnold movies.Hey Tepp, maybe its the DERMinator!It looks like it may remove more than stubble with that blade gap!
Euro? You better go back to this SchoolAlex has Waits compendium and probably a few other reference works. Either that or he has 2000 razors in his collection.
My guess: Marcado. Maybe it's European ? not bad any longer.Alex - where the heck do you find this stuff?!
I'm going to guess "The Terminator."
"High" DE travel razor
OK, now i going to abandon evil conduct and error.....Hmmm ...
A "Good High" might lead to addiction, but I don't think that is it. "High-good" doesn't sound much like a razor, but it's all I got.
No idea, not even an educated guess. But I surely would not try to shave with this one!
It's a Harvard Progress by the Poppy Razor Co. Their motto was "You'll Get Hooked On A Shave That's Dreamy". Or, maybe not.