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Not feeling the love for Nacet blades

These blades seem to get good reviews from wet shavers, but I have tried the nacet in 2 different de razors. and just get a scraping , dragging feeling. I didnt end up with razor burn or any weepers, and I got a nice clean shave. Just not a comfortable shave. Used them in a e&j de89 and a 56 gillette tto. Maybe I just move these back with the derbys and dorcos. Save for emergencies or scraping glue off of something
Good reviews doesn't mean they will be a blade that you like, which I can relate to. What I'm doing with ones I fine like that is saving them for either a PIF, or to try to trade for other blades I haven't tried yet. I have a pack or Dorcos, haven't popped one of them into anything yet tho. lol I'll take that plunge eventually.
I bought some recently to try them.
I didn't get one good shave out of them.
I gave them to a friend to try and he didn't like them either.
I stay away from blade threads because they are the biggest YMMV items. I try to find folks that like/use what I have and normally their opinions will put me on the right path. This is why we have samplers.
What Nacets are we talking about? I have some Czech (NOS) ones that I really like and some Chinese (P&G-Flying Eagle for the Malaysian market) that are pretty good as well. Then there are the Russian ones that I never tried and probably never will; none of the Russian P&G blades I tried thusfar agreed with me.
I stay away from blade threads because they are the biggest YMMV items. I try to find folks that like/use what I have and normally their opinions will put me on the right path. This is why we have samplers.
Well said.

I made the mistake of looking up tons of blade reviews when I started. I shortly after purchased a sampler pack with blades I thought would work best for me. It wasn't until I read on reddits r/wicked_edge that there are too many variables that determine if a blade is going to suit you.

Only way to find out for sure is to try it!
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