I apologize for the lack of pictures. I am traveling and do not have the razor with me, but will post pics next week. I was at my local barber's and taking a look at his collection of shaving stuff. I came across what appears to be a NOS bone scaled W&B 5/8 with barbers notch. No sign whatsoever of any hone wear at all. Some very minor staining, but mostly shiny and minty. Made him a reasonable offer based upon what I would expect a razor like this would go for and he was willing to sell it to me. Sure beats sitting in a wood box in a glass case in a barbershop where no one can see it and, apparently, no one has ever even shaved with it. Probably could have paid less, but did not want him to search around the net and find out that I ripped him off and never want to sell me another razor (he said that he keeps his nice ones at home!) and risk bad haircuts. He had a couple Keystone razors which were in fantastic shape, I just do not know anything about them.