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New shavers and a bunch of fix-er-upers. -Pic heavy-

I had quite the week. Been waiting for some of these for a few weeks now, finally all my purchases from a few weeks ago came in.

First up.

Vintage Thiers Issard 5/8 "La France"
Previous owner said it was from around WWII era.



Next up.

Beautiful Wade & Butcher 5/8, hardly a mark on it. Nearly perfect specimen.




Electric Cutlery Co.



Next up the slight fixer upers.
Slight & decent fix-er-upers.

4/8 Kain & Abel - This razor is very little. Tiny rust spot on jimps & I had to straighten the scales.


Fancy Hubar?, really nice worked spine:


W&B 8/8 Chopper, nice pressed scales, this has some deep pitting in the center however. But could be nice some day.


Unknown, Makers mark is worn off, but fancy scales:




FW Engles, needs new scales:


Imperial razor






Shumate Tungsteel


Some others came with the lot, but aren't worth posting.

Looks like I'm going to be busy for the next few months!
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What a great haul! Those are some beautiful and interesting blades. That Huber? is a real looker. I hope you truly enjoy them. If they shave as nice as they look, you will be BBS for a long time to come. :001_smile:001_smile:001_smile
Gee, there's some beautiful razors in that lot. I think the Hubar is actually a Kobar. They are a good Solingen razor maker. If you're looking at getting rid of that, I'd be very interested in talking to you about it.
Gee, there's some beautiful razors in that lot. I think the Hubar is actually a Kobar. They are a good Solingen razor maker. If you're looking at getting rid of that, I'd be very interested in talking to you about it.

Hi John,

Thanks for the nice words. You're probably right, Kobar makes sense, the first two digits of the name are hard to make out. Looks like everyone else had the same idea about that razor as me. It's my favorite out of the non shavers in the bunch.

I was planning on cleaning this one up honing and trying it out. If I can't find the time or don't get around to it I'll let you know for sure!
Shaved with the TI this morning. What a dream! I have two spots on either side of my adam's apple which I can never seem to get smooth. Those two spots are BBS after shaving with the TI. Thank you France!
I want that Wade and Butcher... a lot. Come here... *beckons razor*

Excellent find. Do we even want to know the price that you paid for those? :tongue_sm
I want that Wade and Butcher... a lot. Come here... *beckons razor*

Excellent find. Do we even want to know the price that you paid for those? :tongue_sm

The W&B is what sealed the deal for me. Its the one I was most excited about and it will be my sunday shaver tomorrow! I can't wait!

Since I took up straight shaving I can now say I'm glad I have to shave every day!
The W&B is what sealed the deal for me. Its the one I was most excited about and it will be my sunday shaver tomorrow! I can't wait!

Since I took up straight shaving I can now say I'm glad I have to shave every day!

I can imagine! It is absolutely gorgeous and immaculate. Best of luck with the shave! I also can't wait until tomorrow morning to shave with my straight. :w00t:
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