Checking the Wiki, I don't find any mention of the New Deluxe or its serial numbering. The geocities razor database here states "Only DeLuxe models were serial #'d, starting 1-D"
Does that mean there was a razor with the serial number 1D? And do we know how many of these razors were made?
There were less than one million New DeLuxe models made and they were only made in 1930 and January of 1931.
Guido, do you know what the starting number was? And were the all Ds or were other letters used?
The starting number was supposedly 1D...
interesting serial #...
And what exactly is the difference between a New and a New Deluxe, other than that the Deluxe has a serial #?
I recently acquired a New Deluxe without a "d" in the serial number. My serial number is 62765. It's a beauty except for the 1/4 to 1/3 inch hairline crack in the handle. Do these hairline cracks need to be stabilized? If so, what is the best way to do that?
I recently acquired a New Deluxe without a "d" in the serial number. My serial number is 62765. It's a beauty except for the 1/4 to 1/3 inch hairline crack in the handle. Do these hairline cracks need to be stabilized? If so, what is the best way to do that?
I have two De Luxe razors. Both have 5 digit serial numbers and no letter.
The New DeLuxe has a thick, flat based guard plate and came with more ornat handles like the New Improved. Here's mine that I usually use.