Kids ruin every thing. And social media does as well. Just because other people can't pay attention to their kids i have to buy scissors or a honing system and learn how to keep my knife sharp. An extra expense for me so i can open packaging?
I can understand people are worried about kids but the kids parents should be worried the most. Packaging doesn't need safety, ok theft protection i can understand though. But why are people letting their kids have or be near things in a store that could hurt them? Or around packaged stuff at home that might be dangerous? Or is the thought "their are poor people that might steal this and might not have cabinets or anything to keep our product from getting into their kids hands"
Their kids are their problem and shouldn't affect (i always get these mixed up) me or be my problem.
To me life is a constant learning thing. And my not knowing or me being stupid should only effect(?) me and no one else. And my not knowing or stupidity should not affect packaging...
The reason for all the hoopla about the batteries is that a lot of adults and 100% of toddlers don’t know they’re dangerous. The batteries are small and shiny, a lot like some candies. Anyone with a toddler will tell you that 1) they’re magical creatures and can disappear if you stop looking at them for 5sec, 2) they have a tendency to find things that you don’t know you had or lost 4yrs ago, and 3) put EVERYTHING in their mouths.
Personally I would rather cuss opening the package than have ANY parent go through the heartache of losing or even having a severely injured child. Maybe that’s just me.
I will agree that the majority of warning labels are dumb. But I also remember when there wasn’t tamper proof packaging and someone put cyanide in Tylenol bottles.