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New Acquisition - Original Pip Razor

Hi all, thought I'd share a recent acquisition, an Original Pipe Razor 5/8" medium hollow. Needs a bit of a cleanup which is the fun part :D Thankfully the rust on it is not bad some light sanding and polishing should get it off. Can someone put a date range on this for me? I was thinking late 19th century but I'm not sure.





I assume the razor is probably a Wostenholm (as they made pipe razors). I have read conflicting information saying the I-XL labelling they used was trademarked in 1820. Other information I have seen goes back to the 1600's (but I cant imagine that it would be that old). My guess would be around the 1820's onwards. Feel free to correct me however.

Any idea as to how to what product to use to fill in the missing gold?

You can get gold ink pens, but whether they would work . . .
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