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Nancy Boy and leads to an unexpected problem

I used Nancy Boy for the first time on Saturday morning. I was in a bit of a rush to get out the door, and decided to use it in the manufacturer's prescribed manner, that is, brushless.

The shave was slick and quick, felt excellent, and left me feeling great through the day.

The problem I now face is that I have a new brush from Penchetta that I absolutely love, but my newest favourite shaving product works very well when used without a brush. :blink:
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Nancy Boy's shave is super slick, no doubt about it... So slick that you have to be careful to get it completely off your hands if you're shaving brushless (edit: lest you drop your razor).

The brush takes care of that, particularly for multiple passes, with the same quality shave. No worries.
I used Nancy Boy for the first time on Saturday morning. I was in a bit of a rush to get out the door, and decided to use it in the manufacturer's prescribed manner, that is, brushless.

The shave was slick and quick, felt excellent, and left me feeling great through the day.

The problem I now face is that I have a new brush from Penchetta that I absolutely love, but my newest favourite shaving product works very well when used without a brush. :blink:

You may find that these sort of creams work well once in a while, but used daily are less impressive. I do. Perhaps the skin can deal with the lack of cushion, but not consistently.
I haven't used Cremo.

I used a brush with Nancy Boy this morning, and it was great. It provided a great shave. The whipped lather was thick and showed some very strong peaks. My only concern was this: towards the end of the shave (3-pass + touch-up), the lather thinned somewhat. I didn't use very much water, so I'm not sure what the problem could be.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
I haven't used Cremo.

I used a brush with Nancy Boy this morning, and it was great. It provided a great shave. The whipped lather was thick and showed some very strong peaks. My only concern was this: towards the end of the shave (3-pass + touch-up), the lather thinned somewhat. I didn't use very much water, so I'm not sure what the problem could be.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

SuperLather it (with a glycerin based soap) :)
I always "rebuild" my lather between passes by adding a bit more product to the brush. If I try to go all passes with what I build prior to the first pass, it always gets a bit thin for my preferences, regardless of which cream I'm using.
I always "rebuild" my lather between passes by adding a bit more product to the brush. If I try to go all passes with what I build prior to the first pass, it always gets a bit thin for my preferences, regardless of which cream I'm using.

Thanks. I'll give that a try. I usually use soaps and load enough at the beginning to last the full shave.
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