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My opinion regarding artisan signature soaps

To clarify:

I subscribe to most of these "WetTubers" and enjoy most videos. I don't see it as creepy, but a chance to learn different techniques and see different hardware and software in action.

Michael Freedberg was one of the first channels I subscribed to on YouTube. All of his videos are informative and lack bias in my opinion. He was on a RazoRock kick for a bit, but quickly moved on to other great products. I don't doubt his integrity for one second. The same goes for Ant "Tight Buns" Smith. I thought that their RazoRock soaps were well-deserved and didn't throw up any red flags for me. It was when "Phoenix Artisan Accouterments" joined the party that the bad taste in my mouth began and also tainted these practices.

Anthony Esposito is also an awesome straight shaver and I thoroughly enjoy his videos.

Like I stated earlier in this thread, my "cancerous" opinion is not aimed at the YouTube reviewers, but at the participating artisans because of the degradation of business ethics than can easily follow suit.

To the "WetTubers": I appreciate what you do and keep it up.

To the artisans: I'm disappointed.
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To clarify:

It was when "Phoenix Artisan Accouterments" joined the party that the bad taste in my mouth began and also tainted these practices.

This is the real damage that was done by the debacle. I do not believe this to be the case for 99.9% of the vendors. They are simply interacting in a fun way with the Wet Shaving community. Instead everyone believes the worst now. That's the really sad part.
I have no issue with the YT personalities. It's not like they are asking artisans for these special names AFAIK. They should be able to have fun posting videos, developing their social network and enjoy the new technology. My only concerns are the ethical issues on the artisan side. It may seem like these actions are just honoring people in the wet shaving community, but I suspect it is really about trying to capitalize on the fan bases that these personalities have developed. As Michael Freedburg said, he is not making any money from this relationship. But perhaps he should be, since his name is being leveraged to get new customers.
Forgive me and some of the other posters here that clearly see a degree of envy in some of these negative posts. Why do you NOT value our opinions? Is it because they are different than yours?

Like I said "What I've been reading has been people's VARIED OPINIONS and ALL have been valued." All means all. Not only the ones that agree with me. Maybe if I was also making videos seeking popularity and fame. Maybe then I might begin to consider being envious for someone who has achieved it instead of me… Maybe then, but most assuredly not. This thread is not about NEGATIVE or POSITIVE posts, just varied opinions.
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Coming soon to theatres: "A. O. Scott", the story of one hero's desperate struggle to be heard. Costarring Christina Hendricks as the love interest.
I have no issue with the YT personalities. It's not like they are asking artisans for these special names AFAIK. [...]. As Michael Freedburg said, he is not making any money from this relationship. But perhaps he should be, since his name is being leveraged to get new customers.

Signature Soaps seem similar to a musician paying homage to some figure in the title of a song. It's just an artistic tip-of-the-hat. This makes perfect sense for a limited edition or perhaps an experimental product that is just getting a trial run: pique a little interest by naming it something notable and then, based on feedback, refine it to a final product with a different name.

The names are usually problematic for me when I don't know how to pronounce them. Just as my purchase of Soap Commander soaps bear no reflection on my feelings for the virtues they are name for, I'm not going to buy a soap for the person it is named after. It's about performance and scent. I would only purchase Tay Zonday soap if it was the perfect blend of MdC and Bosco
Signature Soaps seem similar to a musician paying homage to some figure in the title of a song. It's just an artistic tip-of-the-hat. This makes perfect sense for a limited edition or perhaps an experimental product that is just getting a trial run: pique a little interest by naming it something notable and then, based on feedback, refine it to a final product with a different name.

The names are usually problematic for me when I don't know how to pronounce them. Just as my purchase of Soap Commander soaps bear no reflection on my feelings for the virtues they are name for, I'm not going to buy a soap for the person it is named after. It's about performance and scent. I would only purchase Tay Zonday soap if it was the perfect blend of MdC and Bosco
If they were naming their soaps after their daughters, a friend or favorite author, no one would care. The only concern is that the honoree's happen to post online reviews of shaving soaps.
Didn't HTGAM do it first by having Chris Bailey's (TSE) face for the Irish Cream or was it RR with the Freedberg and Tight Buns?

The First one we did was "Don Marco" because I love Marco's contribution to B&B and the community; he also gave me a lot of inspiration early on, and continues to.

Honestly, I really didn't think it was such a big deal, but after reading this thread, I guess it is. I simply did it because I wanted to honor some people that either inspired me, taught me, or helped me along the same. A lot of the things I do aren't thoroughly thought out, I like to have fun and I do what feels good/right in the moment.
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The First one we did was "Don Marco" because I love Marco's contribution to B&B and the community; he also gave me a lot of inspiration early on, and continues to.

Honestly, I really didn't think it was such a big deal, but after reading this thread, I guess it is. I simply did it because I wanted to honor some people that either inspired me, taught me, or helped me along the same. A lot of the things I do aren't thoroughly thought out, I like to have fun and I do what feels good/right in the moment.

The difference is that Marco is not on YouTube, Facebook, Google + and Twitter hawking the soap that's named for him.
The difference is that Marco is not on YouTube, Facebook, Google + and Twitter hawking the soap that's named for him.

I've not seen the others hawking the soap either, not to say they haven't but I haven't seen it. I know that I have never seen Anthony Esposito hawking the RR Stallion which was named after him. Honest question, have you seen this happening? that would change a lot of my opinions.
I'm not sure what good "hawking soap" would do because there is no compensation involved.
What they are saying is that the "compensation" is having their name and/or face on a soap.

I don't see it. Maybe I'm just not cynical enough. I never gave it a second thought. For instance, I thought the Freedburg was named that way as a tribute; it would never have occurred to me that anybody was working a "quid pro quo" for their name on a soap. I STILL don't think that's the case.

I suppose anything is possible, but, generally speaking, when I see something like this I tend to assume the most benign possible interpretation of the situation.
I thought Michael Freedberg was somehow partners/involved with RazoRock. All of his videos are linked on the site and his name mentioned a couple of times. I was always confused as IB is in Canada and Michael is in south? Carolina.


System Generated
After reading and following this thread, I now understand the naming gesture a bit more. I have not seen any schilling or hawking of these soaps on B&B and have no clue about anywhere else.

I still don't care for how many of them carry themselves in the videos. But to be fair, there are a lot of YT guys who produce polished, informative and professional videos who have helped many wet shavers.

Tight Buns AS and soap are both in my den and smell good enough to make up for the looks I get from my wife when she sees the labels.
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The internet is not like a big dump truck, see. It's a series of tubes.

Yeah, if these video's are informative and are helping people improve their shaves, great. If they're a bunch of ranting and raving egoists promoting the products they like and calling people who say things they don't like "whiny little bitches", less great; but hey it's not my problem what people watch. Have at it.
I've not seen the others hawking the soap either, not to say they haven't but I haven't seen it. I know that I have never seen Anthony Esposito hawking the RR Stallion which was named after him. Honest question, have you seen this happening? that would change a lot of my opinions.

OK, Joe, I have seen it on Facebook. Here is a screen shot of it:


I don't really care about it, I was just pointing out that Marco doesn't mention the fact that the soap is named for him, but the YouTube guys talk about constantly.
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