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My opinion regarding artisan signature soaps

cant I be a celebrity at least in one persons mind???? As that Jeff, this is 100% correct. Sorry late to the party. In fact I was discussing gardening with Michelle and praising different types of lavenders. She pulls out a small container of heavenly Bulgarian lavender. Magic happened that day. 

Clearly Jeff is to blame for everything. How dare he want to smell flowers!


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B&B's Canadian Stew Sam can also been seen in a few lather videos if you search hard and dig deep enough.
After seeing Bruce in action on the 3017 forum I am almost afraid to view his lathering technique on youtube. As fast as Bruce eats through a puck of MdC I was under the impression his lathering technique involves a blow torch, a 20lb tank of propane, and a flashlight. Don't know what the flashlight is for......?
...and since this thread is already derailed beyond recognition (probably a good thing), I just noticed the tag line under my ID "I do lunch with Springs1". I know I will regret this, but I gotta ask, what the hell is a Springs1?
Oh my. Does B&B have a returns department? I'd like a refund on the 5 minutes I spent on that post.

Just take a number.

This too shall pass. It is a trend that will rapidly plummet. Truth always prevails. Always.

Fakebook is not the place for wet shaving education.
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Every time I think of facebook I think of the SP episode where stan has a million friends. Then I think of I shall be Free No. 10.

"Now I got a friend who spends his life
Stabbing my picture with a bowie knife
Dreams of strangling me with a scarf
When my name comes up he pretends to barf
I’ve got a million friends!"
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