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My love-hate for Astra SP blades - Astra profile question.

I recently bought 100 Astra blades based on the shave they give me in my Diplomat. It is effortless BBS. My black tip Super Speed is just about as easy. However, in my Aristocrat for flare tip, they are challenged to give me a DFS, and that never happens without blood. Meanwhile, the Aristocrat loves Wilkinson Sword blades and gives an effortless BBS with them.

My last new blade was an Astra and it went into my frankenrazor (light weight tech knock-off head on a brass ball-end handle). The first pass WTG on my right cheek was uncomfortable. I thought about flipping the blade over and when I did this, the shave actually improved! Are Astra blades symmetrically sharpened or does flipping them actually move the cutting edge relative to your skin?
Flipping the blade should not make a difference. It sounds to me as if the blade wasn't loaded properly the first time in your Frankenrazor. Do you have a real Tech or SS to give a new blade another try?
Flipping the blade should not make a difference. It sounds to me as if the blade wasn't loaded properly the first time in your Frankenrazor. Do you have a real Tech or SS to give a new blade another try?

No, I had a real tech, didn't like it much though. The one Frankenrazor I kept because the head did give me a good shave. I've noticed that the Astras seem to do a lot better in my milder razors. Anythng less mild than a SS Black Tip can't shave me well with an Astra.
The glue that usually stays on the blade (usually one side) when I remove it from its wrapper has an effect on the edge angle since it slightly raises the blade in the razor.
The glue that usually stays on the blade (usually one side) when I remove it from its wrapper has an effect on the edge angle since it slightly raises the blade in the razor.

After you load up the blade run it under the hottest water you've got from your tap for a bit. That should dissolve the wax. You could try tightening it down after you do that but I doubt it will make that much of a difference.
After you load up the blade run it under the hottest water you've got from your tap for a bit. That should dissolve the wax. You could try tightening it down after you do that but I doubt it will make that much of a difference.

Oops, I forgot to say that I put the blade in with the glued side down. Then it doesn't make a difference.
The Astra SP gets a lot of love on various wetshaving fora as a smooth, comfortable, and highly affordable blade. For me, however, they are tuggy and feel somehow dry as they scrape across my stubble, producing some mild discomfort and redness, relative to some (definitely not all) other blades.

Who else finds that other blades are simply more comfortable, or produce better results, than the Astra?
I was a fan of the Astras until I tried the Personna Med Preps and haven't looked back. I did try an Astra recently and had the same experience as the OP.
Based on the almost universal praise for these blades I bought 100 at the start of my DE shaving journey. I ended up PIF'ing 95 of them they were that bad.
I too like the Astra, until I tried Feather and Personna Lab, they are smoother than Astra although Astra is not a bad blade at all.
They work for some people, so I feel like I am flushing someone's baby if I say what I really think about them. But, honestly? I think they are bona-fide factory seconds.
That is what some say about PPCs as well (Personna Platinum Chrome), and those are my favorite blades.

Hey, take it with a grain of salt. Even if you just get one good shave out of an Astra it's comparatively better than most blades from a value standpoint. I am just jealous that they don't work so well for me.
I am just jealous that they don't work so well for me.
Really? With so many good and inexpensive blades, I don't care the least ... when you buy in bulk, PPC's cost something like $0.15 per blade.

You're only out of luck when you only like the most expensive blades (like Feathers).
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