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My first PIF - Fatboy kit

I'm in. The answer to the 'your favorite movie' question could be different at any given time. After a brief pause to ponder today, I would say Monty Python and the Holy Grail. A great comedy segmented to where one can lighten their mood by watching a few minutes and continue about the business of the day or settle in with snacks for the long story on a lazy afternoon or evening.:laugh:

Thanks for the opportunity to enter a great pif.
I'm in. Favorite movie is the Jet Li in Hero. If you have never seen it go watch it. Its a great kung fu movie, but if you are not into it you will still like it. Everything about and in the movie is beautiful, sad and thoughtful. Best kung fu movie ever closely followed by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
I'm in.

City of God is the best movie I've ever seen hands down.

Acting, writing, cinematography, art direction, editing, and moral depth are all top notch. I would pitch it as a Brazilian take on "Goodfellas" except 700 times sexier and infinitely more thought haunting. For me it's above the Godfathers and previous favorites because it weaves the most entertaining and thrilling part of their dramatic structures into a very seamless and fast-paced offering. You don't watch that movie--you "inhale" it.
I'm in and Thank You..

Favorite move.. Nick O already said Boondock Saints so I'll go with "Swingers". Great cast and story, Jon faverau,Vince Vaughn,. I still watch it. Also "Count of Monte Cristo" is great
I'm in. Favorite movie is "Fightclub" because of the statement it makes about the emptiness of modern life. Also because of the humorous goings on. And of course that surprise ending!
I'm in! Great PIF and thanks for the chance! My favorite movie is Ronin with Robert De Niro. I just love the car chase seans and the twists in the plot. I also really like that they actually filmed the movie on location (France) instead of just going to the cheesy mountains of southern Cal.
I'm in again! Since you said we could enter twice my 2nd favorite movie is Heat again with De Niro. I'm a sucker for good shoot out scenes and I was living in southern Cal when this movie came out. I saw it in the theater and then a year later the LA bank robbery with the two idiots with AK-47's broke out. Couldn't help but think of Heat. Great movie, so realistic.


On the lookout for new chicks
I'm in. I have always enjoyed a good comedy and The Blues Brothers is a good one (personal favorite).
I'm in.

Favorite movie is Army of Darkness. Boomstick, chainsaw hand, medieval castle battle, pillow talk and sugar. What more could you ask for in a movie?
I'm in. Favorite movie is Starship Troopers. Ridiculous at times, serious at others with some decent social commentary. Plus it's based on a book by Robert Heinlein whose one of my favorite authors.
I'm in this very generous PIF!

UP. Yeah, it may be a kid movie but what a wonderful movie it is. I'll save my words for those to see and and decide for themselves. SQUIRREL! :thumbup:
+1 for Return of the King. I like the scene where the Rohan King's daughter defends him from the Nasgoul king. But I'm not in. Great PIF though.
I would realy love to be in, as I can not seem to find an FB that's in my budget. I'll tell you what, if you let me in and I win an AS, send it on down to the next guy in line. Does that sound fair?

And my favorite movie would have to be Boondock Saints. The first one, all saints day was pure garbage.

Not my favs, but I'm a definite Boondock Saints fan. Third is being made too, can't hardly wait. Aequitas Veritas
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