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My first brush restore

I finally finished up a sad Ever-Ready 250D I picked up cheap on eBay. The black coating inside of the lucite was damaged, so I had to sand, polish and recoat it with black enamel. I also sanded some gashes out of the sides, lightly sanded the bottom, and polished both. The knot is a TGN silvertip.

$2013-01-02 16.48.45.jpg
$2013-01-02 16.49.26.jpg

Critique? Anything I should have done differently?
Nice looker there. Had my eye on one from the Bay but thevendor didnt ship out side of the US. Have you shaved with it yet?
Sort of. I lathered with just the knot a few days before setting it in the handle. I'll shave with it tomorrow.
Shaved with it tonight. It was an early straight shave, which sucked the big hairy one--but that wasn't the brush's fault. Very soft, but not at all floppy. I actually kind of wish I had gone for the super silvertip. I had originally eyed the best badger, then drooled over the super silver, and finally settled on the silvertip. All in all, I'm definitely not disappointed.

At this point I think I may have to procure a wood lathe and make one or two--or fifteen!--more.
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