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My Favorite Razors


Dull yet interesting
I'd like to tell you I've been using DE blades and safety razors for 40 years and I have extensive experience with them and ...

... well, I'd like to. But I can't.
In actuality, it's a little over a year. But during that time, I've accumulated a dozen DE razors and three SE razors.
As I'm taking a day off from shaving and it's cold here and I don't have much on my agenda, I thought I'd try to pick my five favorite razors. It won't be easy: all are good to very good to excellent razors. Some I've used dozens and dozens of times, one I've only shaved with three times so far.
But here goes. I reserve the right to edit this as time goes by and I add/subtract from my arsenal or just change my mind. Because that's my right. :laugh:

NUMBER FIVE: Leaf Twig/Thorn
After strictly trying DE razors, I saw a YouTube video of the Leaf Twig and was immediately taken by its clever design. Me being me, sometimes unable to fight off temptation and taken by the opportunity to try something different than a DE safety razor, I succumbed and pulled out my wallet. First was the Twig and I was so impressed I bought a Thorn a few weeks later. To be honest, despite the Thorn's reputation for being more aggressive, I don't notice a huge difference between the two. But both have delivered wonderful shaves and benefit from using SE blades that are simply a DE blade snapped in half, so they're easy to feed and I'm familiar with blades that I like.


NUMBER FOUR: Razorock Game Changer 68-P

As much as I like Zamac razors - they'll last a long time if you don't drop 'em and take care of 'em - I confess the idea of a stainless steel razor appealed to me. But I didn't want to spend $120-$150 for one. Luckily, the Game Changer provided an excellent alternative. It's a really quality razor at an amazing price. I won't say I've never had a bad shave with it but they're exceedingly rare. This is a terrific razor. There are more aggressive base plates available but I'm happy with this one.



This is the newest member of the arsenal with only three shaves under its belt. But it has quickly rocketed its way into my Top Three. It's built like the proverbial tank; all brass with nickel/copper/matte chrome plating. The best part is that it's smooth and close, which is often impossible to realize. Yes, it's been a somewhat controversial razor in some quarters, due to quality control issues and some poor tolerances but mine apparently escaped unscathed by those problems and has (so far) been fantastic. It's schedule for its fourth shaving mission tomorrow morning. I have all the confidence in the world it will perform admirably.


NUMBER TWO: 1953 Gillette Super Speed

This razor has two advantages: it's a wonderful, smooth, mild razor that just happens to be my birth year/birth quarter razor (I'm a huge history buff). And it was a gift from someone on this forum. You look at it, feel it in your hand and you can't believe it's over 70 years old and still works so beautifully. But it does. It's a tribute to the manufacturing design and build quality of Gillette back in the 1950's. I've added five more '40's/'50's vintage Gillettes to join this, but nothing can ever replace it. It's just a special razor and I always look forward to when its turn in the rotation comes up. It never fails to register a smile on my face.


NUMBER ONE: Rockwell 6C

This isn't a very sexy choice. It's Zamac. It uses plates instead of cool adjustment wheels. It's not very expensive. They've sold a zillion of 'em to universal praise from almost everyone except those who prefer the stainless 6S version.
The bottom line is that almost regardless of what blade I drop into it or what soap I use, this just delivers great shaves time after time after time, unfailingly. And when you get down to it, isn't that what we want?


So what are your favorite razors?
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Here is a similar thread that’s been ongoing for almost two years:
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@Lockback I'll bite,

My three favorite razors, in order from mild to medium are:
  • King C. Gillette - nice mild razor that can still deliver BBS shaves
  • Razorock Adjust (rebranded Baili) - Adjustable that uses the classic Gillette adjustment mechanism used in razors such as the Slim and Super Adjustable. Range from slightly more aggressive than the King C. Gillette to a bit less aggressive than my Weishi
  • Weishi Long Handle - My first DE razor when I returned to wet shaving. Nice Superspeed clone with medium aggressiveness
I've two other DE razors, a Ming Shi 3000s and Lord L6 that just don't work for me due to blade alignment issues in the former and excessive aggressiveness in the latter.

Curious, what are your other 7 razors that did not make it to the top 5?


Dull yet interesting
@Lockback I'll bite,

My three favorite razors, in order from mild to medium are:
  • King C. Gillette - nice mild razor that can still deliver BBS shaves
  • Razorock Adjust (rebranded Baili) - Adjustable that uses the classic Gillette adjustment mechanism used in razors such as the Slim and Super Adjustable. Range from slightly more aggressive than the King C. Gillette to a bit less aggressive than my Weishi
  • Weishi Long Handle - My first DE razor when I returned to wet shaving. Nice Superspeed clone with medium aggressiveness
I've two other DE razors, a Ming Shi 3000s and Lord L6 that just don't work for me due to blade alignment issues in the former and excessive aggressiveness in the latter.

Curious, what are your other 7 razors that did not make it to the top 5?
In no particular order:

Edwin Jagger DE89 - It almost cracked the Top Five. It's a wonderful razor: mild but reasonably efficient, beautifully finished and very affordable.
Yaqi Tachi - Only shaved with it once. Another SE that uses half DE blades. I won it in a Giveaway here on B&B. Pretty aggressive, like turning a wolverine loose on your face. But a friendly, tame wolverine. First shave with it was A-OK. :thumbsup:
Van Der Hagen TTO - The first DE safety razor I ever bought. An amazing value, a blatant copy of the classic Gillette Super Speed design. Pretty doggone good but just not in my Top Five
Various Gillette Super Speeds/Flare Tips - I have a late '40's, a 1952, the aforementioned 1953, a 1955 Blue Tip, a 1957 Flare Tip and a 1960 Flare Tip. The '57 has a few flaws that render it less than ideal. The others are all wonderful but not as special as the '53
Last, and least ...
Vikings Blade Emperor Meiji - This is the razor I Want To Love But Can't. I wanted a nice adjustable but even on the mildest setting it (sometimes) is too aggressive.


Dull yet interesting
Here is a similar thread that’s been ongoing for almost two years:
Oh well.
I did a search and didn't see it. 🤷‍♂️
Lately I've been trying out the bunches of razors I have to really see how well they work for me. Unfortunately, I get the most comfortable shaves if I go four days between shaves, so it's gonna take a while.

Here are some that have shot to the top of the list that have repeatedly given me a comfortable and very efficient shave while using a mild blade. I've standardized the test by using Gillette Platinum blades.

I’ve got a ‘49 Super Speed that is incredibly efficient with no blade feel at all. The nickel plating is wearing off, but I'm not going to have it re-plated or tuned up for fear of upsetting all the dimensions on it. The '24 Bostonian and the New have really surprised me as they're open comb. Following all of the shaving rules of the road, so to speak, I can feel the blade more with them, but they're still comfortable and incredibly efficient. The post war Tech is a lot like the Super Speed. So far these give comfortable, efficient shaves with no nicks or afterburn.

Oddly, other models from the same years haven't scored as well.

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After trying a ton of razors, I culled the herd. Then culled it again, and again!!

These days, I am essentially down to TWO razors that get used.
#1. Wolfman WR1 polished SS SB which is my ‘daily driver’ and a joy to use!
#2. Lord L6 (Tech clone), my ‘travel razor.’ It delivers fine shaves and would not break my heart if forgotten.
Current razor rotation

#1 Parker Variant. It's the best of both worlds - forgiving yet efficient. That Mercur Progress head design it "borrowed" was / is excellent and stood the test of time.
#1a Gillette Tech 1960. I am now a big fan of super forgiving razors that still produce BBS. It can move to #1 if I get more efficient with it.
#2 Baili 176. Very similar to that Tech, a little more aggressive but the difference is very little.
#3 Baili 171. More aggressive and very efficient, irritation free BBS with basic technique. Unlike the Tech, though, you actually have to be awake to use it.
#3a Maggard V3A. It's very close to Baili 171 in both the feel and performance.
#4 Baili TTO. My first DE when I got back into DEs. It's a very good shaver, somewhere between 176 and 171 in aggressiveness.

Still trying to figure out

Gillette SA109 "Black beauty". I've only had two shaves with it so far. The jury is still out on where I rank it.

Razorock German Slant G37. I just haven't mastered it as well as the others. It does not feel aggressive but half the time will either give me some weepers or won't do BBS. I will dedicate a week to only shaving with this razor before I decide whether I want to keep it in rotation.

Ever Ready 1912 "New Improved" SE. Mild shaver, getting BBS is a struggle. I just haven't used it enough, too preoccupied with DEs.

In storage they go

Muhle R41. Used it with Feathers for a while, proved that I am worthy, dammit ! Sorry, not a daily driver if you don't have hide instead of skin. Even though every single shave was great, a few days in a row and my face hurt. Now, someone who only shaves a few days a week with breaks in between could have a different opinion.
Very strange... you're browsing this thread, reading only superlatives about the RazoRock Superslant, but when you look at the two threads 1 and 2 about favorite razors, you see that not one person listed the RazoRock Superslant as a favorite...
I currently have 2 favorite razors in different formats:

1) Ikon Shavecraft Tech DE. Aggressive and extremely close shave. I can shave daily with it or every 2-3 days and gives me consistently great BBS shaves.

I pair it with Kai Stainless Steel blades. Just the bee's knees for me.

2) Cobra Classic (Artist Club SE). Same great shaves as the Ikon Tech but I can't shave daily with it as it can bite with sloppy technique. Usually go 2-3 days between shaves.

I'm hoping to add a third favorite for the GEM format soon. :adoration:

If I had to pick one it would be the Ikon Tech. Love the blade feel, closeness.
Nice write up. I use the Shaving Buddy app. It's not perfect, but it does do a pretty good job tracking and scoring shaves. According to it, my top 5 razors are:
1. Yaqi Tech
2. Wolfman WRH2 .95
3. Timeless Stainless .95
4. Muhle Rocca
5. West Coast Shaving Special Edition
All of the above are solid bar. However, I don't think I'd choose those as my desert island razors. I think I'd go for:
1. Star 100
2. Gillette Hybrid Tech
3. Timeless Titanium .68
4. Gillette Ranger Tech
5. Gillette Super 109
Very strange... you're browsing this thread, reading only superlatives about the RazoRock Superslant, but when you look at the two threads 1 and 2 about favorite razors, you see that not one person listed the RazoRock Superslant as a favorite...
Well, I personally have never done top 10, top 5 etc. I don't like things like that.
But if I had a top 5, most probably the Superslant L3+ that I have would be there.
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