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Mont St-Michel Colognes


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I was in a chemist at lunch time looking at what shaving stuff they sold. Among it all were a couple of bottles of Mont St-Michel cologne. One was a lavender scent and I don't recall what the other was but I thought they both smelled OK. I'm guessing they were quite cheap too, since they were out in the open and not locked in a cabinet like all the other EDC's.

Can anybody tell me about this brand? I tried to google it and found surprisingly little information. It might be a secret gem... but maybe not.
I have the lavender at home. The scent does not last long but is is OK. They also have the "Naturelle" which is the yellow bottle. That smells old school.
I think this scent has been reformulated (i.e. dumbed down) as well.

I think it was a very common scent in France from what I have read about it. Dont' think it is today what it used to be (but it could stll be good).


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I thought I'd raise this thread from the dead because a perfume shop in the mall was having a sale, and I got a largish ( bottle of the 250ml) of the Naturelle Classique scent for $10. It smell nice, kind of floral with lemony undertones. As I sit here I am wondering if it is a bit feminine, but I guess I'll wait for SWMBO to come home and give me the final verdict.
I had a bottle ages ago - can't remember what it was called, but it was a pale green liquid. It was a bit like a weak English Fern, with a little bit of weak Brut mixed in. It was very nice, but lasted for 5 minutes tops. I think I bought it in a Priceline.
I thought I'd raise this thread from the dead because a perfume shop in the mall was having a sale, and I got a largish ( bottle of the 250ml) of the Naturelle Classique scent for $10. It smell nice, kind of floral with lemony undertones. As I sit here I am wondering if it is a bit feminine, but I guess I'll wait for SWMBO to come home and give me the final verdict.

And what was her verdict?
I have an unopened original 1960's Mont St-Michel Cologne. I am tempted to open it, or even get it analysed to recreate the historic (and inexpensive) Eau de Cologne.
They were mass market compared to Farina et al, but I maybe surprised or it maybe completely disappointing...
I used Mont St-Michel a couple of decades ago -- it's still available in Australia at Priceline.

I was in France last June and looked in supermarkets for basic aftershaves and colognes. MSM is widely available. There are half-a-dozen varieties and it's the cheapest of the cheap. Fragrance-wise, nothing special. Too cheap I thought and gave it a miss.
Barclay Crocker carries 6 flavors of it. Looks interesting.

Barclay Crocker said:
Manufacturer: Schwarzkoph Henkel France

I'm having a blast trying to make that sound French...
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