I get such great results using Kiss My Face or Ingrams with RazoRock, that I've tried combos of creams and have produced some satisfying lathers. KMF + RR is amazing.
Recently I mixed up a dab each of three of my favorites, Ingram, KMF Mint and Rose of Bulgaria. WOW! The fragrances are very complementary, and the sum was much greater than the parts. I got an amazingly rich lather, great shave and soothed skin. Loved the effect of these fragrances together. Excellent.
I realize not many would have this particular combination in their arsenal. But I'd encourage some experimenting w cream combos.
Does anyone else do this?
Recently I mixed up a dab each of three of my favorites, Ingram, KMF Mint and Rose of Bulgaria. WOW! The fragrances are very complementary, and the sum was much greater than the parts. I got an amazingly rich lather, great shave and soothed skin. Loved the effect of these fragrances together. Excellent.
I realize not many would have this particular combination in their arsenal. But I'd encourage some experimenting w cream combos.
Does anyone else do this?
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