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Mixing Creams

I get such great results using Kiss My Face or Ingrams with RazoRock, that I've tried combos of creams and have produced some satisfying lathers. KMF + RR is amazing.

Recently I mixed up a dab each of three of my favorites, Ingram, KMF Mint and Rose of Bulgaria. WOW! The fragrances are very complementary, and the sum was much greater than the parts. I got an amazingly rich lather, great shave and soothed skin. Loved the effect of these fragrances together. Excellent.

I realize not many would have this particular combination in their arsenal. But I'd encourage some experimenting w cream combos.

Does anyone else do this?
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I get such great results using Kiss My Face or Ingrams with RazoRock, that I've tried combos of creams and have produced some satisfying lathers. KMF + RR is amazing.

Recently I mixed up a dab each of three of my favorites, Ingram, KMF Mint and Rose of Bulgaria. WOW! The fragrances are very complementary, and the sum was much greater than the parts. I got an amazingly rich lather, great shave and soothed skin. Loved the effect of these fragrances together. Excellent.

I realize not many would have this particular combination in their arsenal. But I'd encourage some experimenting w cream combos.

Does anyone else do this?

Yes,I do. But usually,I only mix them when I want to infuse a great scent to one of my very good(as far as quality lather)Unscented creams,like Xpec or Spencer Devon Unscented creams. That always works out superbly.

I was using VDH soap when I got a sample of Cremo. It didn't take long for me to get the urge to combine the two. The end result is a better lather that has a pleasant scent.


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Wen I first started wet shaving I mixed a couple but didn't care for any.

i figure if a product can't stand on its own, it's not worth having in my den
I tried some creams that performed not up to expectation (Arko regular, Tabac) and now have the habit to load my brush first with some good soap like Tabac (yes...) or Vergulde Hand) and then finish up the lather with the cream in a bowl. I didn't try mixing the creams in my den yet because the scents will be conflicting I guess.
If all of the creams you use are high-quality I don't see where performance would be an issue. You may get some interesting scents, however. Imagine menthol with myrrh -- not very appetizing.
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