I held the tool aloft in its hardened plastic prison. Could this be the weapon I had been searching for? It gleamed as if the lady of the lake was holding it herself. I hastily removed it as if prying it from a cardboard anvil and held it triumphantly as it shined. I immediately jumped into the shower and did my normal preshave routine. Soap, shampoo, pre facial scrub (gillette... I know but I have to use it all before I buy something else) and then finally conditioner. First on my head and face then rinse and put conditioner back on my face alone (not rinsing after). I got out and got set up to party. I used a Wilkinson sword blade (which Ironically performs better on my face than anything else I have tried) and slapped the hot proraso green onto my face using a tweezerman brush. The head shaved perfectly at the 30° angle and the weight was spot on. The length was marvelous. I had finally found the combination I had needed. The weight of a fatboy (for my heavy Greek beard) the length of a Mach 3 (this this is insanely long) and the head of the gillette 1904. My RAD has been murdered by this lofty excalibur, this undefeatable wand. A tool among tools, a path among paths... a RAZOR among razors. Ebay and I are done for a while.