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Merkur Futur vs Vision

my baseline for comparison is my FatBoy - great shaves every time without having to think about my technique ; very "forgiving" - just tried the Futur on "1" and am lucky I still have a chin - disappointed and not willing to dedicate the time necessary to tame this beast by developing the required technique.

does anyone know if the Vision is more forgiving right from the start whereby a setting on "1" or I guess "V" would provide a more gentle and "meek" pass across the beard ?

thanks for any feedback .
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Personally, if the Futur on 1 is too aggressive I would pass on the Vision. The Vision is a very large razor, and even though it can be dialed down, it has tendencies toward aggression. Have you thought of the Progress if you would like a Merkur adjustable?
I have both the Futur and the Vision. In my view the Vision is more aggressive and will be harder to master.

Don't give up on the Futur. It was my first DE but I found it to be too aggressive so I went out a bought a Fatboy. Went back to the Futur a year later after my technique had improved and there was a world of difference.

I still can't dial it up further than 2.5 but I get great shave every time with it.
I have both the Futur and Vision, and think the Futur is more forgiving because it is lighter and more maneuverable. There are others like me who think that the Futur set at 7.5 makes one of the finest combinations anywhere.

The Vision set at maximum is no fun, I've found, at least for now.

When I first used a Merkur slant, I had to put it away for a few months until my technique improved. I would urge you to take a "time out" and work on no-pressure strokes and beard reduction passes before giving up on the Futur. It is a truly fine razor.

Good morning :).
I have - and use both - the Futur and the 37er slant. The Futur setting om "4,5" gives me a smooth, clean shave; so the slant too.

Eventually brought the skin some time to accept the different way where the Futur shaves ...

Dont give up.


I shave equally well with my Futur and Vision. Both are different from the Fatboy due to their weight and size so you have to adjust your technique. It will take a little patience.

Another lead would be to try different blade : You have to find the proper level to have the good "comfort/cutting ratio". For instance a Derby works well for me at 4 on the Futur (lower it drags the whisker and is a pain to use) but a Feather at 1 is great and comfortable. The lower the setting that works the better though.
I think the issue you'll have with either razor is their heft.

I'm borrowing a friends Futur and can happily use it on 4 if I want, I don't find is as aggressive as my Progress, but I'm aware of the weight. It puts a fair bit more grunt behind the blade and gets more from it. A less sharp, but more comfortable blade may be worth a go.
The Merkur Futur will quite literally rip the skin off your face but some how i still love this razor even though by far my worst cuts have been made whilst using the Futur and this from a guy who has been using straight razors for the last six or so months.

The trick with the Futur is spending time learning how to use it. Not a gentle razor, but what a wonderful close shave you get with the futur.
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