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May 2024 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Month End (GRUME)

Day 21, 67.7% complete

Preshave: Hot washcloth
Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat (Tallow)
Brush: Yaqi 24mm synthetic cashmere
Razor: GC.84 OC, Al Handle, Astra SP #7
Bowl: Turkish copper
Post-shave: Nivea Balm

I stayed with the open comb, and aimed for a comfortable DFS. The good thing about this razor is how effective it is WTG. If I just did a perfunctory 1-pass shave with selective tidying up, it would be at least a CCS 7 days a week.
366 daily shaves

Timeless Ti95 SCLGillette Nacet (3)Razorock 400 Butterscotch
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (9)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
10/10 (Clean)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
9/10 (Buttery Smooth)


Absolutely amazing shave with my top razor and ditto brush.

Extended shave notes can be found here.

Enjoy your shave today!
Still in..

Evening shave - 5/21/24
Razor: Merkur 41C
Blade: Ladas Stainless Steel (2/5) (3)
Soap: BSS #1
Brush: RazoRock RR400
Aftershave: Stetson Cooling Moisture
Rating: 8.5/10, DFS+
This razor seems to be a bit of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to me. It feels quite mild, but it is causing me irritation and at an increasing amount. I may have to swap to a different one for the rest of the week. Anyways, the shave was ok. I did stir up two weepers, but it was a plenty close shave.


Have a great day! 😀👍
💎 💎 💎 SOTD - “Unknown Gems" Theme Week - May 20th-26th, 2024 💎 💎 💎

May 2024 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Month End (GRUME)

Hello friends

Cloudy afternoon, however very pleasant. Perfect for returning to MdC Agrumes, a soap that, in addition to the easy and abundant lather, brings a splendid aroma of lemon, grapefruit and bergamot. The Semogue SOC Boar seems to love the MdC. Greencult 2.0 with a GSB (2) were perfect. I finished with Pinaud Citrus Musk.

We had a visit from an old friend, Johnny Hartman.

Rating: 10

Have a nice evening and great shaves!

Still in

4 days growth
Shane Nation Chubby razor
Astra green SP
Custom boar in elk antler
Gentleman Jack Sandalwood post shave

This was an interesting shave. I started shaving and halfway through I realized next to nothing was coming off. I thought the 4th use Nacet was too dull so I put a brand new Astra SP in. Same thing happened. I thought surely my razor was assembled correctly and it wasn’t the base plate was backwards. That’s the first time that happened since I started wet shaving a year and a half ago. Hopefully that never happens again.

After that was sorted I had an easy WTG ATG shave. I love the TOBS Oud, it’s about a 7 on the strength scale. I like the Shave Nation Chubby it does all the work weighing in at 160 grams, I have to even lighten the touch some. The fresh Astra was great as well.

No alum feedback

9/10 DFS
Day 22, 71% complete

Preshave: Hot washcloth
Soap: Nivea Men Shaving Creme
Brush: Yaqi 24mm synthetic cashmere
Razor: GC.84 SB, Al Handle, Astra SP #1
Bowl: Turkish copper
Post-shave: Nivea Balm

Back to the safety bar, and loaded a fresh Astra for the third week.

After the open comb, this is pleasantly docile, while still very effective. Got a comfortable near-BBS out of the new blade.
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