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macdad's Shave Journal

Nice shave! I haven't used CF in a while, but I found it more slick than Stirling as well. The scent doesn't hurt either...

Welcome back Brent!

Great stuff Fred. I tend to be my own worst critic, and have trouble posting things that I find flaws in as well, which is pretty much everything I've made lol. I'm not too familiar with the material you're using, but if you want a nice shine on it you could always try some Mothers or Maas polish. I've used it on all kinds of things with good results. It's best to try it on a scrap piece first on the chance that it might mess it up.

The material is also known as Paper Micarta. I thought I should be able to polish it as is is without having to apply a finish. I think the MAAS polish is a good idea. I will give it a chance. Of course, I will trial it on a scrap piece first. Don't want to mess up the scales.

Below is a pic of the scales:
Today's shave:

Razor: ATT M1
Soap: Fine Italian Citrus
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (4 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Thayers Unscented WH

It was a nice 3 pass shave today. The ATT never fails to deliver a close comfortable shave! I had one nick and one weeper on my adam's apple. Just lost my focus for a few seconds. It is a pretty solid DFS.

The soap performed as you would expect Fine to perform. It created a nice slick protective lather. The initial scent off this soap is a very fresh lemon scent to me. There are undertones of a more complex scent though. I am terrible identifying notes. However, it comes off as a mild/refreshing cologne scent. It is very pleasant. I feel this scent may be slightly more mild than the Fine Lavender. However, I don't have the aftershave to compare. I don't plan on buying the aftershave either. I think this will be a nice soap to use on it's own.

I stopped by Walmart last night and picked up some Mother's Polish and some acetone. The polish definitely brought more shine out of my scales. I may try to shine them up some more, but they look a lot better already. I need to make a wedge, pin it, and probably touch up the edge a bit. Hopefully, life will allow me enough time to get all that done by the weekend. I would at least like to get the wedge done tonight.
Nice shave, Fred. There's nothing as satisfying as getting a good polished shine. When it starts to mirror it makes one smile!
Great shave today Fred, and the scales are looking great. I think the matte finish has it's own appeal, especially contrasted with a shiny blade.
Nice shave, Fred. There's nothing as satisfying as getting a good polished shine. When it starts to mirror it makes one smile!

Yes it does!

Great shave today Fred, and the scales are looking great. I think the matte finish has it's own appeal, especially contrasted with a shiny blade.

Thanks Eric! They are not professional, but I think they will look pretty good when all is said and done.

Well, I didn't get a chance to work on anything last night. Received a last minute rush job at work for a presentation on Friday... My wife was sick with a fever, so I took my daughter to Karate. Then, my other daughter's boyfriend broke up with her, so we spent the remainder of the evening trying to put her back together. I hate to see her heartbroken like that, but thank goodness! That guy was bad news!

The guy was a freaking coward too. He did it over text message! Not even man enough to look her in the eyes! Good riddance! I guess that is how the new generation is. Pretty sad really.

Oh well. I hope my daughter actually learns from this experience. Once she heals a bit more, I will be using this as a teaching moment to help her make better decisions on the next round. Praying that she will listen and learn. Maybe believe that mom and dad are smarter than she thinks...
OOF what a night. I hope the wife recovers quickly. New age of dating is a fascinating thing. I am still young at 32 but have been with my fiance for over 7 years now. I missed out on the whole dating app scene (thank goodness)

Like you said, as long as she learns from this, her future relationships should be better. Hopefully she picks better guys as well. :)
OOF what a night. I hope the wife recovers quickly. New age of dating is a fascinating thing. I am still young at 32 but have been with my fiance for over 7 years now. I missed out on the whole dating app scene (thank goodness)

Like you said, as long as she learns from this, her future relationships should be better. Hopefully she picks better guys as well. :)

Agreed Tom! Time will tell how much she learns from this. She is a teen, and they know everything :laugh:

Today's shave:

Razor: EA Berg Straight :thumbup:
Soap: Chiseled Face Sherlock
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (4 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Thayers Unscented WH

It was a 3 pass shave today, and not without incident. I have about a centimeter cut where my cheek transitions to my upper lip. I caught it with the tip of the razor. It was done bleeding by the end of the third pass. I also had a small weeper on my neck, but I don't know how I did that one...

The soap performed up to Chiseled Face standards. It was a sample that I picked up on my last trip to Maggard's. I was in the mood for something that smelled a little different.

I would say I ended with a DFS- shave. It could have been better. The scales turned out OK. I am not a professional, that is for sure. I need to tighten up the pin a bit, because it is a little loose in spots. I will also be taking the razor back to the hones. I am sure I touched the edge a few times in the process of re-scaling, and it didn't seem as sharp as it should have been. I don't think it needs a bevel reset, just some touch-up. I will work on that this weekend.
Bummer about the slice, Fred. I expect an awesome shave after you touch-up the edge! How long did the soap scent stick around post-shave? Did the WH kill it, or since its unscented, did Sherlock hang around?
Sorry to hear about the slice, but there's nothing wrong with a DFS-, and I'm sure you'll get the edge sorted out in no time. All of the scents I've smelled from Chiseled Face are different, but they are very appealing to me. Ghost Town Barber and Sherlock are two of my favorites. Mantic59 had a good interview with the owner at the Maggards meet up last year.
Bummer about the slice, Fred. I expect an awesome shave after you touch-up the edge! How long did the soap scent stick around post-shave? Did the WH kill it, or since its unscented, did Sherlock hang around?
The scent has lasted longer than the Fine scent did last shave. I still get a faint whiff of it now after 3 hours. I am thinking I should have purchased a sample of the aftershave as well. The unscented WH masks the scent for a few minutes, then it goes away and you only smell the soap again.
The scales look great!
Thanks Chris. I will try to get a picture uploaded. I have a couple minor scuffs from pinning that I need to buff out. The wedge doesn't really match the profile very well either, but it is pretty good. I spent almost an hour hand sanding the wedge to make it thinner. I am seriously looking at a sander right now. The only question is, do I want to buy that, or save up for another Heli? Oh the dilemma!
Sorry to hear about the slice, but there's nothing wrong with a DFS-, and I'm sure you'll get the edge sorted out in no time. All of the scents I've smelled from Chiseled Face are different, but they are very appealing to me. Ghost Town Barber and Sherlock are two of my favorites. Mantic59 had a good interview with the owner at the Maggards meet up last year.
I'll have to check out the interview. They are all very different and pretty "earthy." I was smelling a lot of my soaps last night, and this one said "use me!"
Today's shave:

Razor: EA Berg Straight
Soap: Fine Lavender
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (4 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Matching AS

The shave today was OK. My wife chose Fine Lavender for my soap. The soap performed well.

After re-scaling the Berg, I felt that I had hurt the edge. It didn't perform as well as it was... Yesterday, I took it to an 8K, then 12k and CrOx balsa. Well, I think I messed up by putting tape on the spine. I got it topping leg hairs, but I wasn't sure it was as sharp as it should be. After shaving with it this morning, I know that it needs more time on the stones. It wasn't a terrible shave, but I had too work too hard to get a DFS. 3 passes just to get what I usually have after 2 passes.

I will give it some more passes on the same progress and see where it ends.
Oh well. I hope my daughter actually learns from this experience. Once she heals a bit more, I will be using this as a teaching moment to help her make better decisions on the next round. Praying that she will listen and learn. Maybe believe that mom and dad are smarter than she thinks...

Just wondering how old your daughter is. If she is a teenager, more than likely for the next few years you and your wife are two stupidest people on the face of the earth. Then somewhere in her 20's she realize that you did know a thing or three about life.
Sorry to hear that the edge wasn't where you wanted it to be, but you'll get it dialed in.

I hit the stones some this morning. I just couldn't get it to pop hairs like it should off the 8k. I had to go back to the 1.2k stone. After a few strokes on that stone, it was popping hairs a lot better. Back to the 8k, 12k and pasted balsa. It seemed to be a lot better. We shall see on the next shave.

Just wondering how old your daughter is. If she is a teenager, more than likely for the next few years you and your wife are two stupidest people on the face of the earth. Then somewhere in her 20's she realize that you did know a thing or three about life.

Craig, that is exactly where we are right now. I have twins that are 15. The one twin is very responsible and focused on school and her future. The other is the one that is driving me crazy with boys! Don't get me wrong. They are both good kids. One is just a bit boy crazy. She is also a bit naive and easily manipulated. I am trying to teach her that most boys only want one thing, and they will say and do almost anything to get it.

I also have a 13 year old daughter. I think her older sisters are gonna have us well prepared, though.
Today's shave:

Razor: EA Berg Straight
Soap: Mickey Lee's Souq
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (4 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Matching AS

It was a nice 3 pass shave today. I have a solid DFS to DFS+. The razor performed much better since I took it back through the stones. It was a little harsh feeling, but I never stropped it after honing. I expected it to be a little harsh. I do need to find the optimal angle for this particular razor yet, but I am getting close.

Very minimal irritatation, and there was only one little nick on my chin. Other than that, it was a very nice shave this morning! Have a great Tuesday everyone!
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