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macdad's Shave Journal

Happy New Year to you too, Eric!

Here are a few more pics:




Happy New Year Everyone!
Nice! Happy New Year!

Thanks! You too, Chris!

I think my stomach actually growled out the word "pizza"...

It turned out pretty good. They were quite tasty! My only problem is, the oven doesn't get warm enough. I really need to cook them at 700+ deg. F. The oven only goes to 500, so, in order to cook them enough to brown the outside, the crust ends up a little more dry than a pizzeria pizza.

Today's shave:

Razor: GD#2
Soap: Stirling Mountain Man
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (2 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Matching AS

The razor performed well today. I essentially did a 3 pass shave everywhere but my neck. Only 2 pass on the neck. There were a couple nicks, but no weepers. I would rate this shave as close to BBS as I have ever been on my cheeks.

I believe I am getting better with the straight. However, I still get way more sting than from AS after a straight shave than I do from a DE. If I use that as a measure, I have a ways to go yet. I'll keep working at it!

The plan is to go fly my helis some more today. It is cold, but the wind is almost non-existent. Several modifications were made to one of my larger birds, so I have to get it out and tune the electronics in.

Have a great day, everyone!
Good morning Fred! Happy New Year to you and your family!

I hope you are able to get out and do some RC flying today and test out the mods you made.

Sorry to hear about the Berg scales, but I am confident you will soon have some new scales on there that will beautiful and something you will be proud of.

Looking forward to seeing how you continue to evolve and grow in your shaving journey as well. It has been fun reading your journal and getting to know you a bit this past year.
Good morning Fred! Happy New Year to you and your family!

I hope you are able to get out and do some RC flying today and test out the mods you made.

Sorry to hear about the Berg scales, but I am confident you will soon have some new scales on there that will beautiful and something you will be proud of.

Looking forward to seeing how you continue to evolve and grow in your shaving journey as well. It has been fun reading your journal and getting to know you a bit this past year.

Happy New Year Fred! Dinner looks amazing, yummm!

Happy New Year to you guys as well! Thanks for the vote of confidence, Pete. I just ordered some materials for scales. I am looking forward to see what I can do. I bought some black paper "micarta" as well as some black G10. I think the micarta will be better. From what I read, it should give me a more pure black look.

The weirdest thing happened when I went to order the product the other day... I suddenly could not access it. It was usaknifemaker.com. I thought it went down, so I checked it from time to time over a couple days. Then, I used one of those sites to check if it was up or down, and it said the site was up. Every computer and device in my house was unable to access the site, though. I tried my cellphone using the cell service, not wifi, and it worked.

So, I spent a few hours today trying to figure it out. I tried all kinds of things. The last thing I tried, that worked, was to clone my MAC address. Don't ask me why it worked, but it did.

Long story short, I was able to get on and make an order. This hobby has taught me some computer stuff along with shaving stuff. Always learning!
Today's shave:

Razor: ATT M1 DE
Soap: Maggard's London Barbershop
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (3 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Matching AS

Had a great 3 pass shave today! Left for my first day back to work this morning with a solid DFS. It is a great way to start the work week!

I really nailed the lather this morning. I think I need to spend more time analyzing my lathering technique. I get different results, but I think it comes down to how much product is loaded on the brush. Maggard's soap is fairly soft, so I tend to load more with that compared to something like Stirling. I need to pay more attention on the loading phase.

Regardless, the soap performed quite well today. Back to work!
Today's shave:

Razor: GD#2 straight razor
Soap: BW Captains Pipe
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (3 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Thayers Unscented WH

It was a nice 3 pass shave this morning. I got a little weeper on a mole on my right jawline. Same mole I caught last time. It didn't bleed for long and didn't need styptic.

Feeling my face, it feels like a real solid DFS shave. No irritation to speak of. It is a good shave. Total shave time was just under 20 minutes. That includes cleanup. For now, that seems to be my limit with a straight. Not that I am in a hurry, but it is quite a while to tie up a bathroom. Since we are a single bathroom home, it requires planning!
Today's shave:

Razor: GD#2 straight razor
Soap: BW Captains Pipe
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (3 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Thayers Unscented WH

It was a nice 3 pass shave this morning. I got a little weeper on a mole on my right jawline. Same mole I caught last time. It didn't bleed for long and didn't need styptic.

Feeling my face, it feels like a real solid DFS shave. No irritation to speak of. It is a good shave. Total shave time was just under 20 minutes. That includes cleanup. For now, that seems to be my limit with a straight. Not that I am in a hurry, but it is quite a while to tie up a bathroom. Since we are a single bathroom home, it requires planning!

20 minutes is still pretty solid! Nowadays, I get kicked out of the BR midshave so I walk over to the guest bathroom which is right next door.

Don't worry Fred. Whenever you make your next move, you'll know to get the separate shave den solely for you and the shaves. :)
Great shaves Fred. That is a stretch of time to tie up a single bathroom home lol.

Yes sir it is! That is why I get up 30 minutes before everyone else. I would get pretty frustrated if I was kicked out regularly. Shoot, the other morning I went into my own bedroom to get my work clothes on, and my wife was braiding my daughter's hair. The bathroom was booked too... I had nowhere to go and change. Ugh! :laugh:

20 minutes is still pretty solid! Nowadays, I get kicked out of the BR midshave so I walk over to the guest bathroom which is right next door.

Don't worry Fred. Whenever you make your next move, you'll know to get the separate shave den solely for you and the shaves. :)

Thanks Tom. Funny you should say that. We only planned on living in this house for about 5 years or so... That was almost 15 years ago:laugh: I don't foresee a move in the near future either.

My wife just put a little vanity in my twins' room. That should relieve a little bit of traffic in the bathroom.

On another note, USPS says I should have my handle materials on Saturday. I am looking forward to receiving them and beginning my work on the new handle for the Berg. I have an RC swap meet to go to on Sunday. Maybe I can sneak in a little bit of work on a new handle in between all the other fun!
Solid result Fred.

Thanks Walt!

Today's shave:

Razor: GD#2 straight razor
Soap: Stirling Mountain Man
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (3 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Matching AS

Had a nice 2.5 pass shave this morning. The gold dollar is still shaving well, since I adjusted my stropping technique. I don't think I was making much contact with the blade when I was stropping it before. It seems to be maintaining the edge quite a bit better now.

I received an order from Stirling yesterday. It contained a full container of Mountain Man, a bath bar of Noir, and samples of "Naked and Smooth" and "British Leather."

My wife's cousin has some issues with harsh soaps and deodorants, so we bought the Naked and Smooth for him to try. We are running to Maggard's today, and we are going to pick a brush up for him as well. Hopefully it works for him.

My handle materials should come in today. I have some work stuff to do this weekend. Hopefully I can make good progress on it tonight. We are going down the road a bit tomorrow for a RC Swap Meet. I am thinking about working on a handle tomorrow afternoon if all goes well.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Several very nice shaves Fred! I'm glad to see you have adjusted your stropping technique and are getting better results. Sometimes it is the little things that make a big difference. Have fun at the Swap Meet and I look forward to seeing how the handle comes out. Enjoy the weekend.

My stropping changes seem to have made a difference. I am convinced of that now. I am 7 shaves since I last freshened it up on the balsa strop. It seems to be performing much better. I am doing 30 laps on linen and 60 on leather. I may adjust that and see what I get.

I had a good time at the swap meet. It was good to meet up with others that share your interests. It was a bust for me. I tried to sell a heli, and there were no takers. I also didn't really see anything worth buying, other than a few small electronic dohickies.

Nice haul from Stirling Fred, and looking forward to seeing the handle. :thumbup:

Thanks Eric. My only problem is, I don't know how to roll all the different soaps into a rotation now. Decisions decisions...

Today's shave:

Razor: GD#2 straight razor
Soap: Ghost Town Barber
Brush: WW Burnt Oak Whiskey
DE Blade: 7 O'Clock SS (3 full and 1 Partial)
Aftershave: Matching AS

I had a great 2.5 pass shave today. Again, it was essentially a 3 pass shave on my face and 2 pass on my neck. I will likely call this a 3 pass from here on out.

My skin feels so good after using Chiseled Face soap and aftershave. It is so soft and smooth. I do also seem to get a little more residual slickness than I have been getting out of Stirling.

I worked on the handles for the Berg for close to 3 hours last night. I need to take a picture of the progress. They are pretty good, but not perfect. I think this paper phenolic material is a bit tougher than the wood I have been working with. I have made a decision. I don't plan on making any more handles until I buy a decent power sander. I believe that a power sander would have cut at least 1-1.5 hours out of my time. My shoulder probably wouldn't hurt the next day either! :laugh:

I sanded the handles up to 1200 grit wet sandpaper. I was hoping to get some shine off of the handles with this level of sanding, but they look more like a matte finish. I think I will put a couple layers of CA on them to get a little bit of a sheen on it.
Nice shave! I haven't used CF in a while, but I found it more slick than Stirling as well. The scent doesn't hurt either...
Great stuff Fred. I tend to be my own worst critic, and have trouble posting things that I find flaws in as well, which is pretty much everything I've made lol. I'm not too familiar with the material you're using, but if you want a nice shine on it you could always try some Mothers or Maas polish. I've used it on all kinds of things with good results. It's best to try it on a scrap piece first on the chance that it might mess it up.
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