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Lucky pharmacy find + My 2 month old shave den

I went to Schiller's Pharmacy in Pittsburgh today, because they have a nice selection of wetshaving supplies. I found a stick of Irisch Moos. This is my first stick and probably my last since it's discontinued. This is unfortunate, because the scent is just heavenly, IMO. Here's a pic of the stick with the Feather Popular, as well as my first shave den pic. I know that there is a separate thread for den pics, but I thought I may as well include mine here.
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Hmm..can't tell but is the Feather popular TTO?
If so I might snag one..always wanted to try a TTO but don't want to slum it with a parker or weishi.
Well not really slumming it..just investing that much in something of not-really-that-good quality. :p
They are indeed, and pretty nice actually. Also, not sure about Parker but Weishi's are nice as well. I liked my Gunmetal one, it had a little heft and worked quite well. Also didn't nick myself much at all with it. Very nice starter razor. :)
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