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Lucky Near Miss!

I almost sliced my thumb while changing a blade the other day. Usually, my Gillette 7 O'clock Blue blades have two wrappings--an outer wrapping with the logo, and a plain waxed paper wrapping inside. In an early morning fog, I quickly tore off the outer wrapping and slid my thumb across the edge of the blade as I pulled it out. There was no waxed paper wrapping on the inside...Luckily, no cut, no blood. :biggrin1: The blade was really dull.

I've never had a blade that was missing the waxed paper, but clearly it happens. I really should've been paying more attention. Anyhow, just a heads up to anybody else changing a blade before a cup of coffee!
Yep, been there. Oddly enough, my brush with death was also while changing a blue 7 O'Clock Super Plat. Thumb slipped while tightening the head of my EJ89 and caught the corner of the blade. It was sharp...as advertised. Once the bleeding was under control, I super glued it shut.

Healed perfectly - no scar at all.
I got bitten *hard* on the thumb a couple of months ago. The name of the snake that bit me was Merkur futur which I had just loaded with a fresh Astra SS. Got the idea to dial it down a little and gave it a couple little cranks just before everything turned red. Could have used about 5 sutures... treated it with super glue and a butterfly closure.
It was only after that when I went searching that I found an excellent post by Turtle that warned about all the dum-dum moves to avoid, including the one I tried. Yep, getting ready to trade that razor away for a 3 piece...
lol i once let the wife try my ej89 and just putting the blade in she got frustrated about "how do you put it all together without cutting yourself" then i did it for her and bought her a tto razor so i dont have to worry about that
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