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Least aggressive DE razors?


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Schick Krona, Gillette Blue Tip.

those are 2 of the milder one's i've tried.

2010 Muhle OC or the Merkur OC head (not the R41, the predecessor) was also pretty mild for me, too mild.
late 40s Gillette Super Speeds and Edwin Jagger DE89s, and the standard Merkur HD are considered mild.
Muhle R41 (pre 2011;) Edwin jagged 89 series, feather popular, Lord 6, wilkinson sword has a black 3 pc that is pretty mild, yumas, Steve faragher from the "big shave" on YouTube sells them on eBay I believe.
Any of the Gillette tech variants are mild shavers. If you prefer a turn to open razor, the black handle superspeeed is mild and forgiving but still aggressive enough to get the job done. It's one of my favorites.
Gillette super adjustable set to the lowest setting (1) is about the mildest razor made followed by the Feather AS-D1.
i use the $3.99 ebay special flying eagle and from the looks of it, a chinese knockoff of an older gillette tech.
The Wilkinson sword classic, one of my favorite razor and yet inexpensive. When Noah Webster wrote the word 'Mild' in his dictionnary, he must have had a Wilks in his hand.
I love mild razors, and I echo what has been said here. To me, the Tech is the ultimate mild razor; if your blade angle is off at all, it doesn't cut. In fact, it does nothing. And Techs give great shaves once you learn how to use them. My favorite combination is a mild Tech combined with a sharp blade, like a Feather or an Astra SP.

I have a bunch of Techs and blue tip Superspeeds, and that's what I'd recommend. The DE 89 is perhaps a bit less mild, but still far from aggressive. The Feather Popular is another good choice.
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