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Keeping your lather hot...

...what is the best way you've found to keep lather hot? I've used everything but a scuttle...I've even used a small ceramic heater right next to a clay bowl I have. That dried it out a little too much I think. I guess a scuttle is the answer? Any other ideas?
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If you use a shave brush, it's easy to simply use a bit of hot water for each pass.

Otherwise, try cold lather. I like it better than hot now.
Fill up your scuttle twice with hot water and dump the water in your sink just put the plug in when you do dump the water. This method has given me good results.
I keep my mug with lather within the small plastic basin I use to rinse the razor. Works well and saves me water.
I've only used cold lather.

What are the benefits of hot lather? If there any difference in performance? Or is it all subjective such as prodcut scent preference?
Some people find that is softens their beard more but I don't notice a huge difference. I love doing it because it just feels so good.
Some people find that is softens their beard more but I don't notice a huge difference. I love doing it because it just feels so good.

Warm water always feels better on the face than cold water so I guess warm lather must too. Maybe performance is slightly better since warm water will open up the pores?
I use a scuttle. Fill it with really hot water. That does the trick. Another just as effective (but arguably messier way) is to fill your sink with hot water and to float your shaving-bowl in there while you shave. The danger is that the shaving-bowl might flood with water and sink, losing you all your nice hot lather...
Ceramic bowl with thick walls made by a friend who is an amateur potter. Fill the bowl with hot water, let the brush soak in there whilst I'm showering, stropping etc. The very last thing I do is make the lather and by then the walls of the bowl are quite warm enough to keep the lather warm.
I once heard it put this way, 'Cold lather is like hot ice-cream, it doesn't work.'
Now I wouldn't go that far but after the whole cold water shaves thing that has been doing the rounds I gave it a shot. I am not a fan of the cold water shaves and the cold lather that goes with it.

As for scuttles I had a Dirty Bird brush scuttle that would break down the lather if the water in it was too hot. I don't use a scuttle now. By my last pass my lather is a lot colder than when I started but performs well anyway so its not a big issue. I rinse after each pass with warmish water so that keeps the later at that temp. Thinking of getting a normal scuttle not a brush scuttle sometime though.

- Aaron
I have a ceramic bowl I lather in. I just put some hot water in the sink and float the bowl in it. I replace the sink water after every pass because I also rinse my razor in the water. This keeps the lather pretty warm. After the second pass, I usually have to put a drop or two of water in and swirl the lather again just to keep it nice and slick.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
...what is the best way you've found to keep lather hot? I've used everything but a scuttle...I've even used a small ceramic heater right next to a clay bowl I have. That dried it out a little too much I think. I guess a scuttle is the answer? Any other ideas?

I could'nt agree more...a Scuttle (Dirty Bird, Georgetown, Moss or Becker), is the 'way-to-go' :biggrin1:

Christopher :badger:
Warm lather has a nicer feel on my face. I don't care for cold lather. I use a Moss scuttle to keep my brush/lather warm but not hot. I still dip the brush into hot water between passes to hydrate the lather and for a warmer lather application.
I don't know guys... Personally, as a man and all; I like to rinse my face with ice cold water and then grab some squirty can shaving foam and just completely coat my face with it. But I can see what you all mean about how there's something enthralling about having your face covered with a nice warm creamy substance
Some guys use one of those cup sized warming plates meant for keeping your coffee hot. Not a bad idea I guess.

Personally I use a stainless steel bowl that tends to retain the heat once it's warmed with hot water and keep the lather warm long enough for me to shave.
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