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Acquisition disorder and why it happens

Trust me ... I know! 🤣
Haha Lockback - I've got about - 15-20 razors I've not even tried yet - just got 'em out of the packet and put 'em neatly in the drawer - I'm nearly sixty and had a tough life so they'll all end up going in the bin when I go go because most of the blokes in my family use crappy cartridges and chemical spray goo.

I bought Arekid (my brother) a Chinese Merkur Futur clone and 100 Derbys and he said he would use it once he exhausted all the expensive throw away plastic junk scrapers - so in other words - never !

I bought him a £20 Santoku kitchen knife because his 70's bendy wonder was as blunt as a butter knife,

But he knows I was a smithy since I was 14 and love sharpies and our visiting Uncle uses it more than him - I can't win - I Give Up Trying !

I've only recently introduced him to loads of mp3 music put on a microSD that goes into a little bluetooth speaker - he thinks cassettes and DAB radio is great - I said cast a radio podcast to your pocket speaker - much better - more choice.He is younger than me as well - total Luddite - technophobe too !

Like with real safety and straight razors - You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make it drink.

I've never seen him with a BBS close shave in forty years - Haha!
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Really it is about coming to the realisation that if they stop making your favourite soap, or blade or whatever the world won't come to an end (unless nuclear war is the reason they stopped making your favourite product) and you can always find a replacement.

I also have a tendency to buy 'backups.' I've come to realize that, with the exception of a thing or two, whatever is available today is better than yesterday, and whatever comes tomorrow will be better than today.


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Once I found what I liked and got over the "hobby" aspect of brushes/razors, I settled in on what works for me.

It's been 2y since I purchased a razor (didn't end up liking it either) and longer for a brush or backup soaps/creams/AS etc. The only items I've purchased in recent years have been discontinued soaps or blades. I did just order a few items from Connaught, but most are for our son to use. I have 3 or so soaps in storage (multiple Tallow MWF, multiple allow Tabac, 1 La Toja Manatiales, 1 Haslinger Tallow and 1.25 RR CiT bricks), all are old stock, not available any longer. I can't stand partially open soaps/creams or AS in my bathroom.

I generally don't read soap or razor reviews as many are based on 1-2 shaves. I've seen people recommend soaps and declare them great, based on scent and a test palm lather.

My shave set up is same pretty much every shave. If I do change out an item, it's usually my brush and I'll settle in on a brush for a few weeks or months or longer. That seems to be the least affected variable in getting a great shave. With that said, all my brushes are proven performers and I'm familiar with all of them.

I'm long done with experimenting or searching. I've found what works for me and stopped looking for anything better.

It helps that I am NOT a fan of "artisan" soaps. I stick with mass produced soaps/creams.
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It took years but I finally quit buying/selling/trading things and settled on a handful of razors, a couple creams, one brush and two soaps. I chased that perfect shave for years and found that I am content with the results I get from the gear I have. The only variable is soap, since MWF is discontinued I only have one puck and a half left. When that gets down to a few weeks I will figure something out, but it’s probably at least a year.

I still stop in the antique and thrift stores now and then, but it’s mostly to look. Unless I see something out of the ordinary I let someone else enjoy the thrill of finding it. I was a fairly regular on the BST and eBay selling razors, but it became more of a hassle with shipping issues than it was worth.

I guess I just heard that voice in the back of my mind from my depression era father. He would have thought this was a bit silly and said something like: it’s shaving, not hunting or fishing. What do you need with all that stuff cluttering up the bathroom?

Still, I don’t regret any purchases or time spent on this hobby. I’ve spent far less on this than golf, road bikes, fishing gear or guns.
It took years but I finally quit buying/selling/trading things and settled on a handful of razors, a couple creams, one brush and two soaps. I chased that perfect shave for years and found that I am content with the results I get from the gear I have. The only variable is soap, since MWF is discontinued I only have one puck and a half left. When that gets down to a few weeks I will figure something out, but it’s probably at least a year.

I still stop in the antique and thrift stores now and then, but it’s mostly to look. Unless I see something out of the ordinary I let someone else enjoy the thrill of finding it. I was a fairly regular on the BST and eBay selling razors, but it became more of a hassle with shipping issues than it was worth.

I guess I just heard that voice in the back of my mind from my depression era father. He would have thought this was a bit silly and said something like: it’s shaving, not hunting or fishing. What do you need with all that stuff cluttering up the bathroom?

Still, I don’t regret any purchases or time spent on this hobby. I’ve spent far less on this than golf, road bikes, fishing gear or guns.
I think this kind of thing is always a balance -- I like to remind myself that we're angry balding apes who came to dominate the world because of our behavior -- especially with tools.

We're literally wired to appreciate, covet, collect, and use tools, which served our ancestors well. As long as we remember that these things are tools, meant for a purpose, and that the collecting doesn't overwhelm the actual utility and pleasure from use (and the cost of collection and maintenance doesn't become detrimental)... Well, we're just doing what we're meant to do.
I think this kind of thing is always a balance -- I like to remind myself that we're angry balding apes who came to dominate the world because of our behavior -- especially with tools.

We're literally wired to appreciate, covet, collect, and use tools, which served our ancestors well. As long as we remember that these things are tools, meant for a purpose, and that the collecting doesn't overwhelm the actual utility and pleasure from use (and the cost of collection and maintenance doesn't become detrimental)... Well, we're just doing what we're meant to do.
Evolutionary imperatives.
I've got enough razors and blades and divine body soaps - but really they're superfluous to requirements - it's like buying an asthmatic ninety year old a big bag of condoms - totally useless.

Thank god I stopped collecting kitchen knives, scissors and sharpies - I'm an ex-blacksmith and bladesmith so that was hard to stop.
Being a musician I collected over 3 million albums since 1972 - that's just slowed down a bit and being a systems analyst I collected puters and servers - that's slowed down a bit.

Also being a herbalist into making frags as well - that hobby has gone mad lately - if I join an Oud forum I'll be bankrupt in two days lol.

I'm nearly sixty - no other guys in my family use real shaving kit or get close results so it's all gonna go in the binski when I go go - I've had a tough life.

Erm since landing on here 4 months ago I've slightly overdone it on Oud frags and posh bath soap - I'm potty but I think that's good compared to blowing loads at weekend playing my sax, drinking Stolichnaya and card school all-nighters.

Grooming cheers me up so much I don't need any anti-depressants or doctors; so that's priceless - Thanks a Million guys !!!
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Once I found what I liked and got over the "hobby" aspect of brushes/razors, I settled in on what works for me.

It's been 2y since I purchased a razor (didn't end up liking it either) and longer for a brush or backup soaps/creams/AS etc. The only items I've purchased in recent years have been discontinued soaps or blades. I did just order a few items from Connaught, but most are for our son to use. I have 3 or so soaps in storage (multiple Tallow MWF, multiple allow Tabac, 1 La Toja Manatiales, 1 Haslinger Tallow and 1.25 RR CiT bricks), all are old stock, not available any longer. I can't stand partially open soaps/creams or AS in my bathroom.

I generally don't read soap or razor reviews as many are based on 1-2 shaves. I've seen people recommend soaps and declare them great, based on scent and a test palm lather.

My shave set up is same pretty much every shave. If I do change out an item, it's usually my brush and I'll settle in on a brush for a few weeks or months or longer. That seems to be the least affected variable in getting a great shave. With that said, all my brushes are proven performers and I'm familiar with all of them.

I'm long done with experimenting or searching. I've found what works for me and stopped looking for anything better.

It helps that I am NOT a fan of "artisan" soaps. I stick with mass produced soaps/creams.
Well done brucered - that's fantastic restraint - I'm proud of you mate !

This is the closest I could find to mine BigAlVista

You want it about 10.5" x 6" x 5" - ask the vendor if it's genuine leather and the lined ones with three zips and two compartments are brilliant.

Mine is called AR Brand.

Good luck buddy.

I got mine from England but I don't think they ship Stateside.
For a long time I used a 3 compartment nylon bag made by a luggage company. I've always liked the look of a traditional leather bag
For a long time I used a 3 compartment nylon bag made by a luggage company. I've always liked the look of a traditional leather bag
Nylon is great but I love the look and feel of a battered leather wallet or luggage or comfy mules.

Leather stretches and you can wash it if you're careful then apply saddle soap, wax shoe polish or dubbing etc once it's been gently dried.
As for the acquisition disorder, I am one year into wet shaving and thanks to B&B, here are a couple pictures of what I got so far.
Also, here’s a picture of my travel setup I just put together about a week ago.
This has been a great hobby for me and I love it. Thanks to all of you for helping me get to where I am today with wet shaving!


I also have a tendency to buy 'backups.' I've come to realize that, with the exception of a thing or two, whatever is available today is better than yesterday, and whatever comes tomorrow will be better than today.
If I like something or need a stash - I get two - like extra coffee or a stand-by e-bike.
I'm not buying anymore razors or blades - got plenty but...

A vendor I've used before offered me a big discount on 70% Laurel oil Syrian soap and will be rare as hens teeth ATM so stocked up.

All the ouds I bought blind the other week are a bit young and Unisex for me so going attar and oud hunting - that could bankrupt a rich man in no time lol !

Overspent but sod it I'm happier than I've been for a long time and don't need any happy pills - I'm allergic to doctors.
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As for the acquisition disorder, I am one year into wet shaving and thanks to B&B, here are a couple pictures of what I got so far.
Also, here’s a picture of my travel setup I just put together about a week ago.
This has been a great hobby for me and I love it. Thanks to all of you for helping me get to where I am today with wet shaving!

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I spent over £5K in four months so you got away relatively unscathed Jaybyrd haha!

Whatever you do don't get into expensive frags and ouds because that makes you buy an expensive wardrobe and shoes to match how well and classy you smell haha !
I spent over £5K in four months so you got away relatively unscathed Jaybyrd haha!

Whatever you do don't get into expensive frags and ouds because that makes you buy an expensive wardrobe and shoes to match how well and classy you smell haha !
5k (euro) isn’t that like $10,000 USD now haha 🤣.
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