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Acquisition disorder and why it happens

I know I can’t be alone in this game.

You find a set up that works for you. Sure, you have a few different razors, brushes and blades in your toolbox. Your shaves are impeccable. Your lather is perfect. You’ve found a blade that just works no matter what. You have a routine, with… I don’t know… maybe a nice aftershave that your lovely wife approves of.

Everything is just as it should be.

Then you log onto this damn place.

You come across @Luc and his quest to find skin bracer, not to mention other aftershaves.

God help you if you come across one of @Marco ’s magnificent posts. The man oozes sophistication and knowledge on each topic he writes about.

Then one of you posts about a blade I’ve never considered because I love Nacets, and I read your in depth blade reviews and comparisons.

”I don’t need to buy anything new. My set up is just fine.”

Then why the hell do I have 4 different soaps, 3 aftershaves and 200 Gillette Silver Blues sitting in various carts that I keep coming back to?


Don’t you know that I don’t need any more gear? That my bank account is content and my wife hasn’t questioned my humble stock of hardware and software in quite some time? I’ve been living in peace and harmony.

Shame on all of you for emphasizing the benefits of classic shaving, or… or describing that “scritch” you get from that nice new boar brush.

I don’t need anymore information on your lovely lather bowl, or that sale on that website where you found spectacular deals.

Nope. I’m not falling for it fellas. I’m in total control and I’m just fine where I am. Take your marvellous collection and scram!

…now that my wife isn’t reading this over my shoulder anymore, Is 200 blades enough?
Your "disorder" looks like peanuts, compared to mine: 40 soaps, etc. But I broke through. I finally came across the absolutely best shave combo yet, so I am contented. I'll list it here:
--GSB blades
--Vintage Floris badger brush
--Utilemud lather bowl
--Martin de Candre Rose soap
--4711 Cologne as an AS splash
--Geo. Trumper Coral Skin Food
A puzzle for many! I think this is the same for almost everything, always something better you think.
I think after a few years I've found a set up I won't better.
Feather ss raiser
GSB and Wilkinson sword blades
SV badger brush, plus chubby2 synthetic for when I don't have time to soak the badger.
Acqua di parma croap, mdc and sv soap.
The shave I had today face lathering with Adp and SV brush confirmed I can't get a better shave..
Everybody will have another setup they find wonderful, enjoy what you have and feel fortunate that products today are excellent and generally good at all sorts of prices.
I will just get in with this before someone else does...


My theory, as stated elsewhere in simpler terms is simply this:

- Humans are hard-wird to accumulate valuable resources, often above and beyond what we actually need. Plenty = safety.
- We hang out in a place where shaving gear is seen as disproportionately high in value compared to how most folks see it.
- Our brains short circuit and we end up stockpiling razor blades like squirrels hoarding acorns before a hard a winter.

At least, I think that's how my malfunction works. :letterk1:
I know I can’t be alone in this game.

You find a set up that works for you. Sure, you have a few different razors, brushes and blades in your toolbox. Your shaves are impeccable. Your lather is perfect. You’ve found a blade that just works no matter what. You have a routine, with… I don’t know… maybe a nice aftershave that your lovely wife approves of.

Everything is just as it should be.

Then you log onto this damn place.

You come across @Luc and his quest to find skin bracer, not to mention other aftershaves.

God help you if you come across one of @Marco ’s magnificent posts. The man oozes sophistication and knowledge on each topic he writes about.

Then one of you posts about a blade I’ve never considered because I love Nacets, and I read your in depth blade reviews and comparisons.

”I don’t need to buy anything new. My set up is just fine.”

Then why the hell do I have 4 different soaps, 3 aftershaves and 200 Gillette Silver Blues sitting in various carts that I keep coming back to?


Don’t you know that I don’t need any more gear? That my bank account is content and my wife hasn’t questioned my humble stock of hardware and software in quite some time? I’ve been living in peace and harmony.

Shame on all of you for emphasizing the benefits of classic shaving, or… or describing that “scritch” you get from that nice new boar brush.

I don’t need anymore information on your lovely lather bowl, or that sale on that website where you found spectacular deals.

Nope. I’m not falling for it fellas. I’m in total control and I’m just fine where I am. Take your marvellous collection and scram!

…now that my wife isn’t reading this over my shoulder anymore, Is 200 blades enough?

200 disposable blades, right?

Which brand?

I am curious about how many folks have more than 200 straight razors.

Mike M

...but this one IS cracked.
Yeah, I thought I needed to try everything and it wasn't until I got 27 soaps, 15 razors, 14 brushes and near 60 types of blades in that I finally realised that maybe I was overdoing it a little. I found that no new razor beat the shave and feeling I got using my Rocca and I knew I just had to stop.
I've been in recovery nearly 2 years, I haven't bought anything since valentine's day 2023 and I'm gradually reducing the den to a manageable size, although it would probably be easier if people would stop giving me aftershave as I only managed to kill one this year.
Really it is about coming to the realisation that if they stop making your favourite soap, or blade or whatever the world won't come to an end (unless nuclear war is the reason they stopped making your favourite product) and you can always find a replacement. Just learn to be happy with what you have, I found the hoard rather stressful as I could never decide what to use and it took up too much of my time thinking about it. Now I feel better every time a product leaves the den for the last time. Don't get me wrong I don't ever see myself as a true minimalist with just one of everything, but knowing I don't have to try everything is a relief.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
As usual, I suspect there are many sides to this condition. Reading posts and looking at tool/golf catalogues I literally want virtually everything I see. I realize this is ridiculous - you can't have everything, where would you put it? - and I rarely buy anything readily available on first consideration. But if I still want it after some months go by - especially if it doesn't cost an arm and a leg - I often buy it. I worked hard for my money and I'm not using cash from the food budget. Why shouldn't I have some things just because they bring me a little joy?

But here's another side: I do a lot of research and consider my $100+ shaving purchases carefully - and they almost always bring be better results. That's the kind of positive reinforcement none of us really need, but there it is.
Think people in hobbies are like the people in my community who play Golf, a large percentage will never be even Par Players, but most have the extra income, or saving to chase the next fastest or greatest Putter, Driver, Set of Irons, Ball, or ?

Most do not get that if Tiger Wood in his prime lost all his baggage on way to Phoenix Open, and he had to resort to going to Big Five the Local Sporting good chain to buy what he need off theocracy to play in Phoenix Open. Tiger would still play competitive Golf..

Would love to have Tight Golf Skill, and Golf IQ. Verses a duplicate of his Golf Bag & Contents.
Just so you don't think this is only related to men and their shaving stuff. I went to my SO's home the other day and looked in her linen closet as she need a towel. That closet had stacks of brand new towels that have never been used for more than a decade. When I started to grab one, I was told No, those are backups. And these aren't cheap towels either.
I have struggled with this type of thing for nearly every hobby type thing i had or still have.

The shaving hobby got a little deeper for me after i learned the old barber's lather or the ones i bought and tried myself (out of spray like cans) felt smoother and cleaner than the water i was mostly using to be lather and aftershave... hahaha

And without needing to or worrying about somebody else's opinion or complaining i never had to make up fake or stretched out stories.

I fortunately have shaving soap samples and aftershave balm samples that should last me about a year, @1e4 gifted me a large part (i think half) a Vitos (do i keep changing its name?) shave soap that will help extend my shaving software for a year or so.

And samples are what i find best for me. I get to try different software items without needing to get a loan from a street banker. And my favorite software company hasn't raised their prices too high for me to worry about spending a lot of money. Thank you Stirling...
I feel and think now, that i have to try to help dudes (my young life name for guys).

Just send me a personal message through the B&B forum. You can list things you have too many of but not a necessity. But any kinds of woodsy, hippy or flowery smelling things are no good to me. And "fruity" looking things like multicolored hardware are no good for me either.

I will message you back with my address so you can ship your over stock stuff to me. My only concern for doing this is where i could store the stuff with the limited stocking i have. A 1/4 of a USPS shipping box is my shaving stuff stocking thing.



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I try to limit myself and not buy anything. Let me have the honest fireplace conversation. In the last 4-5 years, I bought things left and right but never as much as 10-15 years ago.

I'm still working on that decade old stuff. So, do I need something? Not really. Do I buy more stuff? Strangely yes!

I am working hard on finishing what I have but it's difficult. There's a new scent for this product, that one is discontinued (so buy whatever you can find), and your favorite (fine, one of your favorites( is reformulated!

My only conclusion is that you guys are a bad influence!

Mike M

...but this one IS cracked.
I feel and think now, that i have to try to help dudes (my young life name for guys).

Just send me a personal message through the B&B forum. You can list things you have too many of but not a necessity. But any kinds of woodsy, hippy or flowery smelling things are no good to me. And "fruity" looking things like multicolored hardware are no good for me either.

I will message you back with my address so you can ship your over stock stuff to me. My only concern for doing this is where i could store the stuff with the limited stocking i have. A 1/4 of a USPS shipping box is my shaving stuff stocking thing.

Wait until you have to be up before the postman, or delivery driver arrives so you can open the door before he rings the bell and wakes your sleeping OH. You take your parcel of newly acquired goodies to your hiding spot only to find it is full and as more hiding spots prove to be occupied by shaving products it finally dawns on you that your shaving products are in charge of you, not the other way around
For me, there was never any acquisition disorder besides razors. My soaps are mostly run of the mill, inexpensive, and not numerous. I'm up to 5 brushes now, but the last two were NIB antique mall finds being sold by another wet shaver. I do not spend any time looking at websites and page after page of shaving brushes.

And I'm not partial to buying expensive razor blades. I was only this morning that I finally ordered 100 Gem/Personna blades. Hope they're worth it.
I know I can’t be alone in this game.

You find a set up that works for you. Sure, you have a few different razors, brushes and blades in your toolbox. Your shaves are impeccable. Your lather is perfect. You’ve found a blade that just works no matter what. You have a routine, with… I don’t know… maybe a nice aftershave that your lovely wife approves of.

Everything is just as it should be.

Then you log onto this damn place.

You come across @Luc and his quest to find skin bracer, not to mention other aftershaves.

God help you if you come across one of @Marco ’s magnificent posts. The man oozes sophistication and knowledge on each topic he writes about.

Then one of you posts about a blade I’ve never considered because I love Nacets, and I read your in depth blade reviews and comparisons.

”I don’t need to buy anything new. My set up is just fine.”

Then why the hell do I have 4 different soaps, 3 aftershaves and 200 Gillette Silver Blues sitting in various carts that I keep coming back to?


Don’t you know that I don’t need any more gear? That my bank account is content and my wife hasn’t questioned my humble stock of hardware and software in quite some time? I’ve been living in peace and harmony.

Shame on all of you for emphasizing the benefits of classic shaving, or… or describing that “scritch” you get from that nice new boar brush.

I don’t need anymore information on your lovely lather bowl, or that sale on that website where you found spectacular deals.

Nope. I’m not falling for it fellas. I’m in total control and I’m just fine where I am. Take your marvellous collection and scram!

…now that my wife isn’t reading this over my shoulder anymore, Is 200 blades enough?
Fortunately I've managed to control my shaving investments in most areas with the exception of soap. I've settled on three razors and three brushes that are all under $15 each with the exception of a Rockwell T2 that was just gifted to me. Four brands of blades for a total investment of around $100. My most significant rabbit hole has been shaving soaps. While I focus on commercial brands and rotate across 16 soaps/creams that all cost under $12 each (most under $6) I've gone deep on my favorite soaps as they keep getting discontinued.

Most here have different preferred rabbit holes and tend to invest in this hobby. Have a look at the "what did you invest" poll results and comments to better understand the why. Link below. The good news is that what we invest, when spread out over our years of shaving, is not a lot compared to many other hobbies. Over 5 years my spend has averaged less than $200 per year.

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Yup this all seems consistent with my collection of razors/soaps/blades. I know what works the best for me yet I still buy more stuff thinking it'll somehow be better/different. All part of the hobby though. My wife doesn't crack down cuz she knows her shoe and purse collection trump my modest shave collection all while filling up an entire closet :)
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