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Just another Hone ID

Hey folks,

this is my most mysterious hone. Two coloured, purple/blue and yellow/grey. Looks like Sandstone, but much finer.
It behaves like a slow Jnat on Slurry, quite hard so no autoslurry.
Feels creamy while honing, and the edges are quite good but it is very tricky to get them, depends very much on the pressure used.

My first guess was that this could be the "famous" ratisbon hone, but nowadays i think they just revered to the Yellow Green Escher stones.

-With slurry scratchless dusty mirror polish, without the scratches look like beeing from a coti.

I showed this stone to many people, but no one had a clue........





The different stone colours even slurry different. The yellow part is coarser and faster.

Greets Sebastian.

what exactly do you mean with the "Ratisbon" hone ? you mean the reference to the older literature ?

what exactly do you mean with the "Ratisbon" hone ? you mean the reference to the older literature ?

Exactly, the old article about hones, where the famous german water hone was refered to a mine near Regensburg/Ratisbon....

greets Sebastian.
Exactly, the old article about hones, where the famous german water hone was refered to a mine near Regensburg/Ratisbon....

greets Sebastian.

this was taken from Knight, Richard....did you ever thought on a COTICULE in this thinking :)
Just read it complete....the best are termed "OLD ROCK"......

I also read several other posts you created and referred to SRP, etc...i think there is no other explanation....the text describes in my understanding a Coti....why this is linked to Regensburg/Ratisbon i am not shure about, the guess you did that there was a huge well known seller in a certain time period could be an explanation....probably Margeja or Hatzicho or any other well known guy might know...


Ths is an interesting one, but with no conclusion
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There are many guesses about this stones, that this article is refering to coticules is an option too. Some parts of belgium was once under german control.

But i think, the stones came from thuringian area, out of the small mines, and where sold to travelling wholesalers that sold them in Regensburg, as beeing a huge marketplace.
I did some research in the area around Regensburg, found some quarries but they only produced course sandstones.......

greets Sebastian.
I too believe Ratisbon is Belgian stone. I was just researching all this again last night.

The lines in the side of your stone make me curious.
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Yeah, I still haven't gotten around to reading that page on them needing translation. Never had one of these particular hones as far as I know, but I do have a small one en route to me.

Sebastian, you have a ton of experience with Thuri's from what I've seen you post. You really think this is a Y/G thuri? It looks nothing like any Y/G's I've seen.
Yeah, I still haven't gotten around to reading that page on them needing translation. Never had one of these particular hones as far as I know, but I do have a small one en route to me.

Sebastian, you have a ton of experience with Thuri's from what I've seen you post. You really think this is a Y/G thuri? It looks nothing like any Y/G's I've seen.
I emailed it back to you translated. Did you get it?
Oh the Hindo page, yeah. I read that one. Thanks. I meant the Ratisbon thread. I'm able to translate that one, just haven't spent the time reading it yet. Looking forwards to it. Did you notice that THIS EXACT HONE is pictured in the first post of that thread?
Yes I thought it was your stone. I started to post about it last night but didn't thinking it was your stone. I can translate that page too.
I have a feeling it a piece of coticule. There are layers of coticule that go from yellow to brown before Blue its possible it is from a vein that is too small to be of commercial importance but perhaps yields some good stones here and there over the years.
Very interesting. I really need to get to testing these stones. Maybe I'll play with them tonight after I work on this brush I'm modifying.
Thank you so far gentleman,

that this stone could be a German Water Hone (Ratisbon) was just my first guess about 3 years ago........
Belgium was declared independent in the year 1830! the article is out of the year 1835......, and bevore this the Belgian regions where splittet between France, some German Kingdoms and Spain.

A very intresting connection between Ratisbon/Regensburg and Belgium:

The Truce of Ratisbon, or Truce of Regensburg, concluded the War of the Reunions between Spain and France. The Truce was signed on 15 August 1684 at the Dominican convent at Ratisbon in Bavaria between Louis XIV of France on the one side, and the Holy Roman Emperor, Leopold I, and the Spanish King, Charles II, on the other. The final agreements allowed King Louis to retain Strasbourg, Luxembourg, and other Reunion gains whilst Kortrijk and Diksmuide, both now in modern-day Belgium, were returned to Spain. It was not, however, a definitive peace, but only a truce for twenty years.

Here is the only picture i know of a German Water Hone, that is 99,999% a coticule.


If you google Ratisbon hone, the first occuring Page is from the german Gut Rasiert Forum, and there i asked about this particular stone a few years ago....... So don`t wonder this is the same stone.

But this particular stone is no Coticule and no Thüri for sure......

greets Sebastian.
Lol talk about full circle. I'm looking into Ratisbons now. The thread you link references a post I made there five years ago about a document talking about Rastisbons as solving the mystery of the Ratisbon hone. Cart meet horse, you can take the lead.

Anyway I misunderstood your first post, I thought you were saying this hone was a Y/G thuri... but you're saying you don't think this hone is a Ratisbon, because you think Ratisbons were just a nickname given to Y/G thuris. Entirely possible. I'm more of the opinion that it's quite likely people started selling coticules as Ratisbon hones, and since the internet wasn't around back then, information traveled slowly and usually without detailed pictures, so people would get reports of both Ratisbon hones and Belgian Hones, and not put two and two together, so unwittingly would put entries for both in their geological books without noticing that both descriptions were of the same hone. Of course it's just my impression based on what we know now. I'd LOVE to be proven wrong by coming across a labeled and unique Ratisbon.
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I have a feeling it a piece of coticule. There are layers of coticule that go from yellow to brown before Blue its possible it is from a vein that is too small to be of commercial importance but perhaps yields some good stones here and there over the years.

As i testet/owned many coticule and BBW stones, this one shows some coti trait, especially the yellow/grey part is much faster then the blue/brown part, but even courser.
When i look close too the surface it seems to be a very refined sandstone, that doesn`t feel scratchy while honing (the blue/brown part) the yellow sounds like some cotis that make that steel removing/scratch sound.......
With slurry a cloudy finish comparable to Suita stones (would compare this to a very fine jnat prefinish). Without slurry it leaves fine scratches as a Coticule will doo, but a lot finer (comparable to 8k synthetic stones).

Some more guesses?

greets Sebastian.
There are coticules that fine including ones that have a brown middle layer between the BBW and the yellow coticule. This is just to give you an example of one that fine.The layer is yellow but there are coticules with green layers.

Laugh if you want to.

But - has anyone tested their coticule with a rare earth magnet?
I don't have one here - I may pick one up today if I can get one at the hardware store.

Here's my thinking - you can attract a garnet with a magnet, but it has to be a super strong magnet like a cobalt or neodymium.
Since Cotis often have a rather high concentration of garnets - I'm wondering if the garnet count would be enough for the magnetic field to show some amount of attraction?

Yeah - it's a stretch. A big stretch. Huge even. But it's worth a shot I think.
Maybe just scraping off some onto a sheet of paper would free up enough garnets for the magnet to grab them?

Ok - done thinking now. Going back to my test razor.
Actually not so funny. I remember Bart Torf saying he tested one or a couple with magnets with no measurable results.

Laugh if you want to.

But - has anyone tested their coticule with a rare earth magnet?
I don't have one here - I may pick one up today if I can get one at the hardware store.

Here's my thinking - you can attract a garnet with a magnet, but it has to be a super strong magnet like a cobalt or neodymium.
Since Cotis often have a rather high concentration of garnets - I'm wondering if the garnet count would be enough for the magnetic field to show some amount of attraction?

Yeah - it's a stretch. A big stretch. Huge even. But it's worth a shot I think.
Maybe just scraping off some onto a sheet of paper would free up enough garnets for the magnet to grab them?

Ok - done thinking now. Going back to my test razor.
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