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These are one of my favorite blades. Now why does eveyone think Iridiums are being discontinued? They are available online. I see no indication that they will be gone. Seems like a rumor to me, biut what do I know.
I bet that guy that paid $50 for 50 blades is feeling like an *** now. :blink:

Thanks for the info. I can finally dip into my reserve stock!
I guess I may have to try them once the market catches up to the news and they are affordable:thumbup1:

I was trying to ignore them after they disappeared off ebay and when I saw them going for $1 a blade!

I wouldn't want to get addicted to them and have the supply dry up!

For that matter, I've been seen bidding on some Personna 74's, but it doesn't take long before I realize how crazy it gets and I stop bidding.

Anyway, now when I see some reasonable Iridiums, I can buy a 100 or so and not feel bad if I don't like them and have to give them away or trade them.

From all the hype, the Iridiums are my favorite blade that I have never tried!:tongue_sm

Thanks for the news,
I bet that guy that paid $50 for 50 blades is feeling like an *** now. :blink:

Thanks for the info. I can finally dip into my reserve stock!

I hope that's not the case and that the buyer made his decision to buy with care. I thought it was an ugly situation.

Unfortunately, a few members took the news of a "suspension of production" of Super Iridiums as these blades being permamently discontinued instead, which of couse isn't the same thing. In addition, the cited sources were far from authoritative so most individuals should have taken this as more as rumour rather than as fact. There was even pure speculation that all the St. Petersburg plant razor blades were at risk. Regardless, this "doom and gloom" view caused a run on the supply of Super Iridiums as many people panicked to ensure a personal supply. I guess next time people will be more reluctant to hit the panic button too quickly. That's not to say that the Super Iridium supply will automatically resume and there is no merit to promulgating news but running around like "chicken little" doesn't sound like a very helpful exercise.
unfortunately, a few members took the news of a "suspension of production" of super iridiums as these blades being permamently discontinued instead, which of couse isn't the same thing. In addition, the cited sources were far from authoritative so most individuals should have taken this as more as rumour rather than as fact. There was even pure speculation that all the st. Petersburg plant razor blades were at risk. Regardless, this "doom and gloom" view caused a run on the supply of super iridiums as many people panicked to ensure a personal supply. I guess next time people will be more reluctant to hit the panic button too quickly. That's not to say that the super iridium supply will automatically resume and there is no merit to promulgating news but running around like "chicken little" doesn't sound like a very helpful exercise.

I hope that's not the case and that the buyer made his decision to buy with care. I thought it was an ugly situation.


i thought so too. thanks for the info. i can finally start using the 7 iridiums i have left from the only pack i've ever gotten. :tongue_sm

oh wait.. i'm not shaving this month. well that means i have one more month to wait till the frenzy ends and i can stock up on them.
unfortunately, a few members took the news of a "suspension of production" of super iridiums as these blades being permamently discontinued instead, which of couse isn't the same thing. In addition, the cited sources were far from authoritative so most individuals should have taken this as more as rumour rather than as fact. There was even pure speculation that all the st. Petersburg plant razor blades were at risk. Regardless, this "doom and gloom" view caused a run on the supply of super iridiums as many people panicked to ensure a personal supply. I guess next time people will be more reluctant to hit the panic button too quickly. That's not to say that the super iridium supply will automatically resume and there is no merit to promulgating news but running around like "chicken little" doesn't sound like a very helpful exercise.

Oddly enogh, P&G seems to have production/distribution problems in several areas.

Iams and Eukanuba and Naturally Wild dog food supplies (All P&G) have dried up on the West Coast. They do say it will be back soon, but it is surprising.
I had to give in and buy a hunsky pack of yellows till the SI's get back in circulation. I had to buy something, I have about 20 weeks of shaving already, but who knows when stocks of SI's will be back up. I do have faith though. I like the SI's better than the yellows.

Yea I certainly would not give in to the gougers that apparently did make money. However, that is what makes America great, the freedom to do that sort of thing, even if it's not very nice. Oh, and the freedom to walk away from gougers, don't forget about that.
Yea I certainly would not give in to the gougers that apparently did make money. However, that is what makes America great, the freedom to do that sort of thing, even if it's not very nice. Oh, and the freedom to walk away from gougers, don't forget about that.

Some will forget, I think.

But not many.
I see the point. Some people might consider their time more important than a crazy price for blades. Unfortunately I think that gets away from the spirit of why we take our time shaving. I for one would take the time to find another blade (I did). HOWEVER... hopefully folks do not buy up all the yellows cause they are also made in the same factory.

Then again too some might be afraid to take the plunge and try something new t o find a replacement.
I still can't believe all the hand-wringing and pants-wetting that's been going on over this - as much as I love Iridiums, there are so many other awesome blades that can be had at much better prices!

Case in point: the current production Gillette Platinums that I pick up for about 1 USD whenever I happen to be in a Billa supermarket give me a shave that is similar, if not better, than my Iridium shaves.
I still can't believe all the hand-wringing and pants-wetting that's been going on over this - as much as I love Iridiums, there are so many other awesome blades that can be had at much better prices!

Case in point: the current production Gillette Platinums that I pick up for about 1 USD whenever I happen to be in a Billa supermarket give me a shave that is similar, if not better, than my Iridium shaves.

Agreed. It's almost like a vanilla ice cream taste contest. How much better is the winner over second and third place entries?
Is this run on St. Petersburg blades entirely the result of Bruce's blog? Did anyone happen to read his entry for 11/1? Sounds like he's pushing for a run on the other Russian blades, too. What gives?
Seems a bit odd that all of a sudden the supply of iridiums has become depleted. Seems like it happened overnight. You would expect the supply to slowly dwindle once production had stopped, if indeed that is the case. Is this what happened with the Swedes, here today gone tomorrow?
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