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Introducing the Titan H1 Stainless DE for Sale at Above the Tie

Now accepting orders for the new Titan H1 Stainless steel Safety Razor.

This is the the first run of this handcrafted stainless razor made in the USA.
Your razor is being built now, orders will be shipped starting the week of
October 22nd.
Christmas just came early.
Also the sturdy Titian Handle can be bought separately.



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Damn, thats sure sexy. If only the Tax man here in bligthy was taking £195 off me this month so as to let me drive on the pot holed UK roads.
Nice job, Stan! The Titan is beautiful! I think I'm in. (Just need to clear it with the holder of the purse.)

Made in America, from raw American steel. I like it!
Anybody else having a heck of a time getting everything to load properly on their web site? It's not working for me at all with Google Chrome. Are they taking preorders from the main website?
It will be interesting to hear from the gents that lay down their hard earned money for the Titan and report on the shave quality. For $185, expectations will surly be high.
You're right. But considering the razors in this SS class: Ikon, Feather, Tradere, the price looks fairly acceptable for the craftsmanship mentioned by the testers.

It will be interesting to hear from the gents that lay down their hard earned money for the Titan and report on the shave quality. For $185, expectations will surly be high.
It will be interesting to hear from the gents that lay down their hard earned money for the Titan and report on the shave quality.

Yeah, the reviewer's comparisons were all over the place.

I would equate the face feel of the ATT stainless to a FatBoy on 7-8.

It cut like an open comb, but with a safety bar. Think New, not R41.

Kind of like a slant.

This thing is aggressive. Not too aggressive, but aggressive.

The shave was comparable to a OC Big Fellow/ New Deluxe and a Barbasol.

It does shave better than the mighty 2011 r41 though.

It s just the right amount of aggressive with a little bit of mildness.....in the lines of a Ranger Tech/ Red tip.

I honestly feel like I am using a straight razor. The domed cap and blade gap gives this razor a more aggressive shave than a R41, GEM 1912, or even the much coveted Joris.

it feels like a Tech on steroids

I think that the Stanlux is more aggressive than a 9 on Fatboy setting.

It felt like i was using a Tech razor or a Toggle on 1 setting

The razor is very aggressive, kinda like the new/R41, New Deluxe razor and Barbasol mixed in with a Gem 1912 design razor
Yeah, the reviewer's comparisons were all over the place.
Quite entertaining reading the posted reviews. Trust your own eyes and look at the pictures. The loaded razor pictures, I mean. That will tell you much more about how aggressive it is.
Trust your own eyes and look at the pictures. The loaded razor pictures, I mean. That will tell you much more about how aggressive it is.

I don't think I can rate the aggressiveness by looking at the blade gap. Case in point is the picture of the Tradere OC. The gap looks pretty big, but I was using multiple shims to get the kind of shave I wanted out of it. A lot of people feel that the Tradere is fairly aggressive, but I found it to be pretty mild.

And as you correctly pointed out in the Feather AS-D1 thread, there are numerous factors that determine the aggressiveness (or lack of) in any given razor.

It will be interesting to hear from the gents that lay down their hard earned money for the Titan and report on the shave quality. For $185, expectations will surly be high.

Jeff, it is a matter of results, not economics. Results will yield the truth not the amount of money spent. Just because a buyer spends a certain amount of money it would not be a factor of the critic or review of the razor. If a buyer cant or can afford a razor then that should not be the end result of the review. The end result should be shave quality.
This looks like a great USA made product. When you compare the price to what some people will pay for a good badger brush - the price of this high quality razor seems reasonable.
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