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I'm starting to get hooked on colognes

When I thought I had got over the Rad I be darn if I'm hooked on collecting vintage juice.
Landed a bottle of Faberge Woodhue today out on the hunt at the flea markets really good smelling juice. I'm starting to get hooked on collecting these colognes mostly the vintage stuff already got a nice little stash going.

When the HE$% does it stop LOL I should have known things were getting bad when I got caught putting rogaine in my aftershave.
Hum, I went through RAD, ended with 40ish razors, a bunch of soaps, sticks, creams, blades. The usual.

Then I got the cologne thing. Still going through it, I am at, hum, well, 60 right now plus samples. Much harder to survive, I think. You can shave what, once maybe twice a day. Colognes are just sitting there, waiting to be be tried.

Two forearms, two wrists, two upper arms, two back of hands. two crooks-o'-elbows. Sadly only one chest, at least for us fellows. Well, let's not stray there.

So sorry, I can't help you.

I recently started doing this. I found there were a dozen colognes that I use fairly often. I have another ten to fifteen that get used when it strikes my fancy. Finally, I have a dozen or so fragrances getting very little use. I gave some to family members and will probably look to trade away the rest. I should look to get rid of most of those that don't get used very often.
I recently started doing this. I found there were a dozen colognes that I use fairly often. I have another ten to fifteen that get used when it strikes my fancy. Finally, I have a dozen or so fragrances getting very little use. I gave some to family members and will probably look to trade away the rest. I should look to get rid of most of those that don't get used very often.

After buying lots I'm pretty happy with what I've got so I can safely say CAD is over. I'm already anticipating using up some of my favorites and rebuying later on. I'm also getting a little success with blending some of my scents together. This way I don't have to get rid of as much.
I see where cad gets expensive with such a plethora of scents in the world and the art of making colognes with them, endless just endless.
Worse than Rad I believe but I love it.
The worst I've spent so far on cologne was a 1 oz. bottle of Burberry for $20. Not the most expensive I've purchased, but I tend price colognes per ounce to find the best deals. I cannot justify spending more than $10/oz anymore, and that's when I buy colognes. I've always enjoyed colognes, however up until recently I never purged on them. I only have 4 types at the moment, so collection is neither large nor expensive :thumbup:.

I went through it with aftershaves, and I'm still trying to get rid of them. Luckily, again I never spent more than $9 for aftershave. Am I cheap, no. Frugal, definitely. I don't like spending $100 for a fragrance I love versus $20 for a fragrance I like.
Funny, I went the other way. I got hooked on colognes first, then razors! At 61 years old I have more fragrances than I'll ever use!

I had to go through rehab at the Tom Ford clinic to get off colognes! (little joke, sorry)
My AD started 8 months ago when my wife asked me what I wanted for my Birthday. My friend Randy (Archerfire) had commented on this site and how he was really getting into wet shaving. I asked her to get with Randy and set me up, and well... we all know the rest... If she only knew how much that $125 gift is has/is costing us.

Razors, Creams, Soaps, Brushes, Aftershaves, and Finally Colognes..

I do enjoy modern scents, today Serge Lutens' Serge Noire really impressed me. But it is the colognes of historical import that I enjoy the most. When I find a 100 year old creation like Mouchoir de Monsieur so enthralling, well that is something special. Maybe it is just the collector in me, knowing that there is a limited number of scents that have stood the test of time.
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Here I go, at lunch today snagged a bottle of vintage shultons old spice at the flea market. It seems every time I get a chance I'm out looking and when I find one old or new it just makes me want more and more.:thumbup:
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