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I painted a superspeed purple for my girl!

I don't have pictures, but I bought two black handle superspeeds in rough condition on the bay for 5 bucks. I had been raving about the performance of safety razors to my girlfriend and decided to give her one. She loves it, so I painted one of the superspeeds handle purple for her. I figure she would be a bit more supportive if she had her own:w00t:
Just thought I'd share because I think it's funny!
Great story! In 100 years it will end up on something like eBay for some exorbitant amount because people will think it was a rare one of a kind custom job straight from the factory (or something like that).

I would assume you have, but I'll ask anyways...Have you seen the Lady's Gillette? They look really nice and have colored handles (light blue, dark blue, pink, and champagne/gold). They are great shavers as well. It's basically a Superspeed head with a longer, painted, and decorated handle. Might be another way to enable a little more support from her...
I've toyed with doing something similar with the ugly ducks I have. I'm probably never going to pop for a re-plating job. If I could find an apply at home finish that was durable enough...and I wouldn't feel that tug of guilt that I'm setting some future shaver up for a gouge on a "minty" re-plated razor.
Great story! In 100 years it will end up on something like eBay for some exorbitant amount because people will think it was a rare one of a kind custom job straight from the factory (or something like that)....

There is actually one on the 'Bay right now. It's a live auction so I can't post a link.
I don't know about this photo that m.s. was working with, but some web services will not let you save or copy photos directly.

Screen shot into paint then edit will often get the job done.

It works almost all the time using Firefox


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