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I now stand before the altar of THE VEG

I picked up a bottle at Merz this afternoon and it sits only a few feet away from my desk as I type this. Tomorrow will be its maiden voyage in my shave den and, I must admit, I am feeling a bit nervous. I personally liked(ish) the smell from the sample bottle but we shall see. Needless to say, if I am not one of the chosen, keep your eyes on the never ending PIF thread or I might start my own PIF thread but I will resist pouring it down the drain. Wish me luck!



My elbows leak
Staff member
Go bold if you're going to go at all.

Don't hold back with the dab here and there.

Splash it on freely and copiously.

Remember: Fortune Favors the Bold

$Fortune Favors the Bold.jpg
Oh its all or nothing for me! I tend to have a very bad sense of smell so I don't think I will find it offensive in any way even if I don't like it. My fiance on the other hand...

For once, I disagree with Phil.

There are old Veg users.

There are bold Veg users.

There are no old, bold Veg users.

Go easy, pilgrim. I know the label says "splash on freely after bath or shower".

But whoa! I recommend that you just splash it on liberally, or copiously. Save freely for the second dance.


The Lather Maestro
Great, another intrepid soul!

This aftershave is unique in that it changes as you wear it for a while. It's kind of like watching women choose perfumes ... they spray it on and then check on it a half hour later to see how it reacts with them. The Veg is the same way.

DO NOT judge it just after splashing it on! When you put on Aqua Velva, a half hour later you are still wearing AV. When you spalsh on Pinaud Clubman, same thing, it's still Clubman a half hour later. When you splash on the Veg, you won't know what is going on at first, and you may not be enamoured with it. Be patient. Wear it a half hour, let it meld with you. Then, and only then, should you attempt to form an opinion about it.

Be patient. Give it time.
My Loose Translation of the post above:

It's going to smell like pee at first. Give it time to mature and don't make first impressions last. But yeah, it's gonna smell like pee.
And for gods sake, don't ask SWMBO what it smells like until the half hour is up!
Haha thanks guys! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow morning! This is the real reason wetshaving and B&B is such an addiction. A normal, routine and even annoying grooming necessity is turned into a fun and excting event to look forward to every morning.

Ill be honest guys, I too was at Merz this past week and smelled The Veg. I know alot has been written about this, but I just can't get beyond the urine smell- maybe one day.
The VEG rocks....

Had it in my hand today then decided at the last minute to use a menthol as I did not want to clash with the green tea and bamboo shave cream.

Whats the deal with the Veg am i missing something? I read people talking about it a lot is it supposed to be a wonder as?
Ah yes i see a urine smell refrence it would have to do something amazing to splash that on my face?
Somebody explain this veg madness to me!!
Whats the deal with the Veg am i missing something? I read people talking about it a lot is it supposed to be a wonder as?
Ah yes i see a urine smell reference it would have to do something amazing to splash that on my face?
Somebody explain this veg madness to me!!

I can't explain it. I've sampled it. In my experience, I consider it to be foul all around: smells wretched on application, never morphs into anything remotely pleasant, and isn't at all reminiscent of lilacs (my father has had lilac bushes in his yard my entire life, I am well aware of what it should smell like). In my opinion, it's just a gross disgusting product all around.

I have often wondered if the supposed love of the VEG is some sort of elaborate prank, fostered onto the unsuspecting of this board. :lol:
Haha thanks guys! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow morning! This is the real reason wetshaving and B&B is such an addiction. A normal, routine and even annoying grooming necessity is turned into a fun and excting event to look forward to every morning.


Can I use this as a tag line? PERFECT!!!! (By the way, how dos one make those cool tag lines?)
By the way, how dos one make those cool tag lines?

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Under My Settings (on the left sidebar) click Edit Signature

Enter in what you want to appear below your posts.

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Got it! and I think I am up and running now!

Yep, I may just join the site.. Not just to get the signature I want, but because I have enjoyed the place so much the last few weeks. Ill look into it.

Didnt mean to hijack the thread.. but thanks for the input!

Carry on... nothing to see here... :)


The Lather Maestro
No report from nrv216 on first contact with The Veg.

You don't think it killed him, do you? To my knowledge, that has not happened before, but I am worried about him. :wink2:
Well Gents,

I was in the midst of writing my Veg experience earlier but B&B went down! So in short, it sucked. Just kidding!

I had just completed my daily "I'm in a hurry" shave which is two wtg passes and had come out with a DFS and no irritation. I ran the alum block over my face and there was no burn: a good start to the day. I was using MWF since I thought the scent would be light enough not to interfere with my first experience with the much rumored Lilac Vegetal. After my alum, I lathered with the Fat one more time to clean my face off (and cause I love the smell of MWF) and then I looked over at my collection of shave products. The feared green monster glared back at me and I knew that the time had come.

I splashed one squirt, two squirts, three squirts in my hand trying to toe the line between copius and overly "free" application as suggested by the ranks of the Chosen. As I raised the Lilac beast to my face and patted and rubbed the AS around it hit me... lilac. Yes, to me the Veg smells like lilacs. No urine, no toxic waste, no embalming fluid just slightly spicy, flowery goodness with a hint of muskiness. If I could offer any critique, the floweriness is a bit saccharine but it did not bother me. As the Veg mellowed on my face, which felt amazing by the way, I did not detect any dramatic change in scent and was almost disappointed that the Veg simple seemed to be dissipating.

After I stropped my straight and put it away, the Veg had evaporated. I applied Neutrogena unscented face moisturizer and a spritz of KC reaction and was out the door to walk my dog. I thought my Veg experience had fallen short but when I arrived at the forest preserve where I walk my mutt there it was again; lilacs. The scent is very subtle but clearly floral and sweet yet somehow masculine. I guess I am one of the chosen! The Veg is a performer and my skin feels great. The scent is subtle and enjoyable to my nose (although the fiance said I smelled like a baby) and it will definitely stay in my rotation.

I would like to end this incredibly long post by saying sorry. Sorry if you were a Chosen one hoping for a Veg PIF at the end of this thread and sorry if you are not one of the Chosen and must miss out on this experience. Maybe my sense of smell is just going but I love the Veg! Thanks all!

I finally got around tonight to trying a sample of The Veg that I received a while back......
I LOVE IT! It smells good to me, and my face felt great after splashing it on - more of a 'heat' than an alcohol burn. Unless something unexpected happens later tonight, I'll be looking to pick some of this up tomorrow.
(SWMBO gets home soon and will pass judgement on how it smells.)
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