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I Did It....I Ordered the Veg Tonight

Congrats on being chosen!

I have long suspected that associative memory is at work. If someone's strongest prior experience with lilac comes from a brand of lilac-scented cat litter, or a scented disinfectant, then the Veg may not trigger any attractive associations.
Just got done a bit ago using it post shave. I used a new razor for the first time, 1904 OC, as well. I got the open comb to try to get my neck into line. I'm one of those guys that has neck hair that grows in a hundred different directions in a one squar inch area and I thought this might help. I managed only one nick on my adam's apple which is good. I did get a pretty good case of razor burn on my neck though...I've got to get the hang of this razor. Between the alum block and the Veg it was tamed down to nothing fairly quickly. I used it very liberally as it does not seem to matter how much you put on which is kind of weird. Old Spice definately has a threshold you don't want to pass...this does not seem to. All and all I really like the Veg. It cools really well, doesn't dry me out and has a great understated scent. I'm really glad I ordered this! My olfactory nerves are highly gratified.....
Twas the week before Christmas, and all through this thread
B&Ber's were a-waiting, Jim's first whiff of Veg.
The opinions were posted, the Veg haters were there,
In hopes that cat pee jokes would soon fill the air

The usual suspects had all hit the thread,
Marty warned against plastic, said to use glass instead.
Phil said "don't smell it, just apply with a slap",
And Gash opined Veg was Newark train stop crap.

When out on the porch there arose such a clatter,
Jim sprang up from his keyboard to see what was the matter.
Away to front door he flew like flash,
UPS had dropped by to add The Veg to his stash.

The bottle, it shone with an unearthly green glow
From the knurled screw top cap to the label below.
When, what to Jim's wondering nose should appear,
But that floral green funk that Veg lovers hold dear.

With an alcohol smell, so lively and thick,
Jim knew in a moment he'd feel every nick.
Jim perused the label, and memorised the same,
So that every Veg quality was burned in his brain!

"Crisp masculine Fragrance! Instantly cools, tones, refreshes!
An all over body splash?" Who would even have guessed it?
"Gives skin a smooth, comfor-a-table feeling!"
What a wondrous product! Jim's mind was reeling!

As whiskers before a Dorco ST300 fly,
Jim raced to his den to give this Veg stuff a try.
So up to the counter-top the bottle it flew,
The controversial splash, still unopened and new.

And then, in a twinkling, the Veg filled his palm
Jim knew in an instant this was no workaday balm.
So Jim summoned his nerve, steely courage he found
And on went the Veg, his heart started to pound!

He was prepared for the worst, from his head to his foot,
Perhaps like the Swamp-Thing, he'd turn green and take root.
As that Pinaud scent hit him, Jim was taken aback,
This was no kitty urine...it was quite nice, in fact.

The lilac was pleasant! The vegetal understated!
The old train bathroom rumors were quite over rated!
In the dry-down a pleasant powder note showed,
As crisp and refreshing as the new fallen snow.

"The horror stories were untrue!" Jim sighed with relief,
As the fabled Veg scent encircled his head like a wreath.
It wasn't too strong, and as John Wayne could tell ye,
It's a real man's scent, not all nasty and smelly!

Jim knew he was chosen by this stuff on the shelf,
And Jim laughed when he knew it, in spite of himself!
As that nice lilac scent danced all 'round his head,
He knew that he'd have to report to this thread.

He spared not a word, but went straight to his work,
And as he typed up his post, he gave the haters a smirk.
And with that nice lilac scent still filing his nose,
Jim boldy hit "Enter" and posted his prose!

And even as Jim wrote his pro-Veg epistle,
He knew it would meet with Veg-hating dismissal.
But I heard him proclaim, ‘ere he retired for the night,
"Happy Christmas to all...this Veg is all right!"

Merry Chistmas, B&B, both Veg lovers and haters
Don't blame Jim for this poem...just this odd potater!
Wow!!! That was magnificent!!!! An ode worthy of the Veg!!!!!
Hat tip to you sir for that poem! Quite impressive. :clap:

Know I'm going to have to try the Veg out for myself.
How much do the Pinaud products change when moved to glass over the plastic? I'm not a fan of the plastic at all, and have been looking to decant if I can sort out some decent bottles. Most of the products I have are in glass, so was wondering how much of a difference it made.

The Veg and Clubman both become more mellow and powdery. I couldn't stand either, before decanting.


Funny people always mention cat urine, I have several "California lilac" plants that smell like this when in bloom. I wonder if this is the lilac they use. It would make sense to me.
Does it seem that more people are being chosen than perhaps a year or two ago?
I remember the times when there were plenty of Veg/urine posts in this section. At least one every week.

It's weird but my first encounter with the Veg was very unpleasant, and now I like the stuff.
If it wasn't for MANDOM, I'd probably be wearing it much more.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Gawd, Topgumby, that was so funny I had tears. Magnificent ode to the Veg, glad it worked for you Jim!

Jorge, I think the number of Veg haters has diminished lately, good observation.
Lilac Veg works for me ... my wife doesn't care for it ... but she does Notice me! :w00t:

I am too old to care what AS/cologne is "in style for the fleeting moment", I march to my own digital drummer!
Does it seem that more people are being chosen than perhaps a year or two ago?
I remember the times when there were plenty of Veg/urine posts in this section. At least one every week.

I think the Veg/Urine association has more to do with the men's room than actual pee.

I recall from my yoot', a certain institutional brand of sanitary deodorizer... yes, a urinal puck... that used para-dichlorobenzene (mothballs, essentially) as the disinfectant/deodorizer, and lilac as a masking scent. Lilac Vegetal, for those with a scent memory of old school bathrooms (if not necessarily old-school bathrooms), can invoke that fragrance.
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