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How to replace a barrel on a single ring

One of the downsides of the baking soda and aluminum method I've discovered is that when you clean some of these old razors you find things you didn't notice before; like that large split down the barrel on one :sad:

So I happen to have two Single Rings, one with a split barrel and one with broken teeth. The obvious solution is to remove the barrel and swap them over.

Has anybody done this and are there any hints?
I think the barrel and head are force-fit. It might risk cracking the good barrel, but I would try low heat, or freezing temperatures, to loosen the fit. Once you have the good head and the good barrel ready, you might be able to force-fit them together under low heat, or it might be time for a little epoxy.

That is speculation: hopefully someone who has tried it will speak up.
Yes, my understanding is that they are force-fit - thus the propensity for cracking.

My thinking was along the low heat route (boiling water rather than direct heat) and epoxy on the reconnection.

Happy to hear from others!
Rap rubber (or some other type of protective cover) over the good barrel of the razor and place it in a vise. Next yank like hell.

I dont see this being that hard to be honest......
Stick a wooden dowel or thin tap into the tube. Place the cracked tube in a vice just tight enough to hold it, or hold it really tight with one hand. Put a towel or something underneath and bang the head out from the inside. The head and collar should pop out. I had a crappy Bulldog Old Type that had a messed up blade plate and crooked teeth and a New Improved Big Fellow with perfect teeth and a cracked handle.

Now I have a Bulldog with a new Improved head and a junky Old Type Big Fellow.

I used a tech handle to stick into the handles of the razors and banged like hell until the tops popped out. The tech handle got beat up, but I didn't see any damage to the heads or handles. I held a hammer in one hand and the razor in the other over my lap with a towel draped over my legs to catch the top.

It took some persuading.
Speaking of single rings...

Question, on average how much is a Gillette single ring DE OC razor be worth? Serial #c210858. Case look decent on outside, the inside lining is ort of beat up. Please advise.

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