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How rare is this?

I have been trying to find a New Deluxe for some time now. I was hoping to find a complete New Deluxe Red & Black Set. I finally found this mis-stamped New Deluxe (with the incorrect handle) on eBay for $30.00 shipped.

I was wondering how rare it is to see the mis-stamped blade guards get past quality control and into the retail market. I was hoping to see if others think that this kind of mistake in manufacturing is a rarity that is looked upon as favorable or detrimental.

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That may be the original handle, but most came with the flat shoulder as pointed out in this thread on post 5

The Handle pictured in the op is different than all of the bar handles pictured in the thread that you referred to. That is the reason that I think that the handle is not the one that came with the razor. I have a Gold Tech with a Bar Handle and a long comb New with a bar handle and both of those handles look just like the one in my op with the knurling going all the way to the shoulder. I am not sure which handles are more common, the ones with the smooth section just below the shoulder or the ones with the knurling going to the very edge of the shoulder. I have seen pics of the Red and Black New Deluxe with either the flat or round shoulder but most all that I have seen have the smooth section between the shoulder and the knurling. Like this one that has the rounded shoulder.

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It doesnt have the Deluxe handle, but it may have just been switched at some point in time. I never seen the mis stamp on this New Deluxe head models. It may be a rare model due to this but at this time i dont think it designates it as a pricey rare model.
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