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Hobby? Come on guy's

I think it's an individual thing.

I have problem skin and realized a long time ago I needed to do something to help.
For me this was the lifestyle change. B&B helps me with great information.

I also got involved in collecting Gillette razors and this became a hobby.

So, for me...both.
Its not a lifestyle its a different choice on how you want to shave wether it be de se or straight is it collecting maybe for someone who doesn't use there razors. But I use all my creams /soaps one by one till there gone but Im a bit ocd does it save money that depends on who you ask plus its enjoyable.
It is a pledge on the sacred blood of our ancestors to return to the traditional ways of shaving and forsake the siren song of quick, easy shaves that the foul temptress of modern cartridge madness uses to lure us to razor burned doom.

The first one to break the pledge will get warts.
It's one of those things that can be different things for different people.

For me it was a change in routine. Yes, I have several razors, brushes and soaps, but I'm still doing a fairly quick shave every morning. I have a fair amount of product, but most of it is tucked away and not on display.

Fully embracing various AD's and making a point of collecting various razors, brushes and lathering products moves shaving into the realm of being a hobby.

Embracing the many facets of B&B can be a lifestyle change. The various forums around here have impacted how I cook, what I eat, what I drink, how I dress, what I smoke, and prompted me to get into the outdoors doing more activities.
Personally, it is both a lifestyle and a hobby. The lifestyle part is getting a great shave and looking great. The second is a hobby,I collect and use my razors, collect a variety of soaps, after shaves brushes.

It can be both at the same time, whatever you want it to be is your choice, just enjoy your shaves.
I think of it as a hobby, and a way to stay looking sharp for less than a cart. I enjoy shaving more and more, and do not think of it as a chore. I enjoy this.
It's not a hobby, it's not a "lifestyle" (hateful word)
I have a much bigger hatred of errant apostrophes than I do the word "lifestyle". What's to hate?

Returning to DE wet shaving has given me back a pleasant 20 minutes a day, replacing a dull chore with a pleasurable zen-like moment.
Sounds like a lifestyle change to me :)
I'm not sure I can call it a hobby (yet) but it's definitely been a lifestyle change. I used to only shave twice a week, and I would spend two days recovering from the razor burn/irritation that accompanied shaving. The only enjoyable part of shaving was seeing how quickly I could get it done with. Now I shave every day and thoroughly enjoy doing so.
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I gain great enjoyment out of my shaving regimen, something I never experienced prior to discovering wet-shaving.

Think of it this way. Fountain pens. Writing is a daily activity for most, but would anyone argue that utilizing fountain pens is not a hobby?

I equate my shaving hobby with that of my coffee, fountain pens, and knitting. It all just makes my life a little more fun and exciting.
I dont know what people define as hobby but to me its something i spend time practicing, researching, learning and enjoy doing. Shaving is that to me. I have to shave every day whether i enjoy it or not, so its a bonus turning it into a hobby.
It's both for me. Hobby since I collect Gillette razors and hoard soaps + blades. Life style since I use the items on a almost daily basis and feels darn good.
Everything said on this forum about saving money is a lie right up the checks in the mail & I am from the government & here to help you.
Lol...so true...i gave my wife the line, "Shaving with a DE will save me money." and after purchasing my razor, brush, soaps, oils, creams, blades, I've spent $170. This is my first week...i feel and smell great.
For me, switching from regular cartridge shaving to DE shaving involved a "mind set" change. I went from considering it a necessary chore to be rushed through to a grooming method which could be used for relaxation. The hobby part comes in with the researching, experimenting, buying, and collecting aspects. Otherwise, I'd have one razor, one SC, and no interaction on the B&B forum.
I will echo some of what others have said and offer MHO...
Shaving is shaving - it is a matter of how you do it that makes it an experience. It can be done in 1 minute or 20. It is just what gives you your enjoyment.
The collecting part of this is a hobby. People search antique stores, garage sales and auction sites for "Great Finds". This mirrors the coin/stamp collecting hobby.
I'm not sure that a shaving method could be called a life-style change. But it sure is a great hobby. And cheaper than most (as long as you can avoid the ADs).

Steve, so far this hobby has cost me over $1,400 lol. :ohmy:

Honeycutt, I have always thought of this as something I like collect, in a way it is also a hobby. Archiving the history information on shave gear and talking about it with other enthusiasts transforms this into a hobby. Classifying it as a hobby or just something that I like to collect doesn't make a difference to me because it has meshed into both.
I had knee replacement 2 months ago and had a lot of time to read plenty of post. What kind of bothers me is people shaving with a straight or with a DE continue to call it a hobby. I thought collecting coins,stamps etc was a hobby? What we do is a lifestyle change. I mean, am I way offbase or am I right? Your thoughts please.
I think you are on to something here, for some of us. Shaving is a necessity in our society. It can either be a miserable chore/duty which causes resentment, anger, pain and anxiety or it can be an enjoyable part of our day. I am glad that I discovered this entire cult(ure) of wet-shaving. It transformed my chore of shaving into a nice thing.

I blew right through the AD's in about 5 months and realized that I don't want to be a collector of razors. I don't want to be a hoarder of brushes or an obsessive sniffer of soaps. I want to accomplish my duty of being clean shaven every day for work in a fun and effective way that doesn't leave me sore or angry or resentful.
I would say it's a hobby that has changed my life. Taking something I hated and turning it into my favorite part of the day.
I'm absolutely with you. I have to be clean shaven for work, and it was a chore that left my skin irritated and covered in ingrown hairs. I skipped shaving at every conceivable opportunity. Now I look forward to my morning routine as a great way to start my day. I'll get up an hour earlier than I have to just to make sure I have time to enjoy it.
It's both for me else I'ld only have 2 str8s and one DE, but instead have 6 DEs and 16 str8s. This way of shaving has caused me to enjoy my shaves more every day and instead of skipping days, I now look forward to each shave. The hard part is deciding which brush, soap or cream, and aftershave to use. It's tough having choices
When people say it's a hobby, I think they actually mean the collecting of razors/brushes/"software". Unless they are shaving multiple times a day.

Some may consider it a hobby if they are tracking various aspects of their shave. But to me, that seems more OCD than "hobby". But YMMV.

For me, this was a cost save vs buying cartridges. And an improvement vs buying disposables. I'm not looking to obtain every option out there for creams, soaps, etc. I will probably try new ones, but not until I finish/almost finish what I have. I wouldn't call it a lifestyle change, though I do make a bigger attempt to be closer shaved more frequently than I did previously. Add whatever terminology to that you wish.
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