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Higonokami - Japanese pocket knives

Just thought I'd share this with you guys at it seems like there are a fair few knife nuts/collectors on here. I've been after one for a while and finally pulled the trigger. I won't bother giving any history behind them myself as there's an excellent post here - http://www.britishblades.com/forums/showthread.php?87498-Higonokami-story (I hope I'm allowed to link to other forums). Mine's one of the ones that come in the white and blue box and I grabbed it for a whole £16, it's a lovely little knife and arrived shaving sharp. It's also a hair under 3 inches and non locking (friction folder) so it's legal to carry in the UK. Anyway, here are the pictures!




The finish is a little rough around the edges, but with a knife like this I think that's part of the charm. I'm definitely going to keep my eye out for more
Friction folders are very, very dangerous. More then a few good men has cut of tendons that could never be saved again with these.
Lovely blade though!
So long as you're careful and don't use them for anything they weren't made for (this is clearly for slicing, not piercing) then a knife's only ever as safe as the person using it!
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