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Help/Question about Razor

Ok so I purchased a Feather All Stainless razor and have shaved 3 times with it. I have to say that it is not aggressive enough for me. I have a rough face and have to shave 4times to get somewhat of a nice shave. Anyways, I plan on selling it and buying a new razor. I currently have a Futur and I get a great shave with it, but looking to add another razor. I would like to purchase a rhodium Gillette FatBoy, but want to hear peoples thoughts on how aggressive it is/can be.. Any help would be great. I would be open to a different razor, but would like something nice.

Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Firstly, try shimming the Feather with one or possibly two shims, or even three if need be to make it more "aggressive".
Secondly, the Fatboy might mimic your Futur in shaves as it is also an adjustable, but it would be nice. Also, you may not find it shaves as well as the Futur, so you may want to pick up a used one to make sure, then get the Rhodium Fatboy.
Thirdly, if you want a different razor, try one of the Webers; all stainless steel razor for a great price and a fantastic shaver, in my opinion.
Good luck and happy holidays.
Three times may not be enough to get to know it. With practice, you may find that it works better than in the beginning. Be patient, perhaps try different grips and angles. Enjoy your shaves!
I feel for you buddy. Trying to find that magic razor can be a long and maybe expensive journey, but enjoy the ride. After two years I've found three that I love. My Fatboy, Tradere OC (Gen 1) and the Tradere SB. The nice thing about a Fatboy is it provides the whole range of shaves (mild to moderately aggressive). I would not recommend buying a rhodium one. By my experience, all TTO rhodium razors have some sort of problem in the turning mechanism after replating. Just find one that is in excellent shape. Have fun and good luck.
I take a hot shower while I soak my brush and razor in hot water. Then I get a nice lather from either eshave white tea or Trumpers Sandewood creams. I get great BBS shaves with my Futur, but with the Feather I just can't seem to get good shaves. I have a very tough beard and like aggressive razors, but thought I would get the feather so that I could shave every day. It just seems like there is not a whole lot of blade exposure on the feather. I really like the feel and look of this razor, but just can't get BBS shaves....:censored:
You might try a gillette new. I like it better than my futur because it gets into tight areas better. And with a 7 o'clock black, it gives me the best shave I've found so far. Also, I just got a new Razorock OC little bastone that I like as well as the new. Either one could be picked up for under $20, and you can get most of you money back on the new if you don't like it. You should try an open comb. It's a terrific razor and might be just what you need.

BTW, the fatboy is down my list of razors. I prefer a slim, and futur before it. And the new/bastone before all of them. I'd buy one to try it out first before going with a rhodium.
Ok, so another question is an Ikon S3S in the same boat as the feather as far as aggressiveness(can't spell)??
Try a spacer under the blade. You can cut the edges off a used blade or any thin plastic material. That will increase the gap and make it more aggressive, blade exposure is harder to adjust but this is a start.
That is a great idea!!

I was going to shave with the feather today, but my futur was calling and let me just say I had a great shave.
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