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goin' back home...

These are my tools that I learned to shave with back in the mid-60's.
New 18mm Silvertip in the Ever-Ready 150. Thank you Tony, perfect. Got a cartridge of Ted Pellas from B/S/T.
1st shave Saturday was memory lane.
Thanks for reading.
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It was so long ago that I can't recall what it was exactly. I do believe it was a Gillette SS and some canned crap but that was over 50 years ago. Good Grief!
My first razor was actually one my dad gave me back in about 1951 or so. He had started using an electric shaver. The razor was a Superspeed. He also gave me some brushless shave cream. I don't recall the brand of that stuff, but I didn't care for it. I soon bought an Old Spice mug and an Ever-Ready PB250 badger brush. I still have that original Old Spice mug but the brush was replaced and retired to be used for cleaning and oiling firearms sometime in the 1960's.

The first razor that I bought new for myself was a blue tip Superspeed back in 1955. I still have that razor in my collection but it's a little mild for my taste nowadays.

Still have the Gillette tech I started out with, given to me by my dad, shaved with it this morning in fact. Have since replaced the handle with one from an even older (damaged) Gillette model that belonged to my grandfather.
Think I used a Gillette trac, brush (good boar, still have it and my 4 year old daughter loves to play with it) and a Norwegian shave stick I don't remember the name of (red box with white lettering I believe)

Currently using either old Gillette DEs, straights, great badger brushes and better soaps:biggrin:
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My first was an all-metal Atra around 1980. I stopped using it when Sensor came out, but I hung onto it. Right up util I tossed it out while paring down my belongings when my parents sold their house about four years ago. Had I known....well, you know the rest. :rolleyes:
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