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GFT Limes Cream vs Soap

I just picked up a tub of GFT Limes Cream. I also have the GFT Limes Soap but seem to gravitate more towards the creams hence the cream purchase. I was somewhat disappointed by the scent of the cream. The shave and lather was fine from the cream but it just didn't have that absolutely wonderful lime scent the soap has. Anyone else feel the same (or otherwise)? As this is the first time I've had both soap and cream version of the same scent from the same manufacturer is this somewhat common? Do soaps, in general, provide a better medium for more vivid scents?
....Do soaps, in general, provide a better medium for more vivid scents?

Not at all. If anything, I'd say it's exactly the opposite. Most of the time the creams are more heavily scented than the soaps.

I have the GFT Limes cream (used it this morning) and I wonder if you have a bad batch or something? It is hard for me to imagine that the soap could be more strongly scented than this cream. The whole bathroom smelled like lime this morning.
That is interesting to say the least. Have you also tried the soap? This particular jug of cream froze during shipping. Not hard to do seeing as it is -14F right now and it has been below freezing for a couple weeks here! ;)
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Not at all. If anything, I'd say it's exactly the opposite.

I have owed both. I concur with Kingfisher. IMO, Trumpers cream is one of the best smelling Limes available. It is far stronger scented than the soap.

The soap does not match the cream well... they do not smell alike. The Lime soap is more of a floral Lime where as the Lime cream has what I perceive to be a slight Sandalwood base.
Thanks guys for the insight. I really like the Limes Cream as I've been using it for the last several shaves. It smells good but the overall is just a little subtle in comparison. I should send a small sample off and see if it is on par with the norm? Anyone interested in doing an evaluation for the sake of science, of course. I would just like to know if I'm getting the full effect from the tub I have or if I truly have a batch that isn't up to par. I think I could spare a shave or two's worth of cream to satisfy my curiosity... :)
If you have a little sample container with a screw top on it, you can shovel a bit of the cream into the sample container using an ice cream tester spoon or a popsicle stick or something. Then screw the top on securely. Then you can send the sample off in the mail.

I'd be happy to compare your cream to mine, side by side, and see whether there is a difference in the intensity of the scent. By the time it got to my house, I'd be over this crummy common cold, too, so I'd be able to smell it just fine (I like to be positive). (This morning I shaved with SCS "candy cane" shaving soap--the peppermint EO helped to open up my sinuses, and I got a great shave, too!)

Anyway, PM me for my mailing address if you want to send me some, and I'll let you know if what you got is the standard stuff or not.
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